Saturday, February 17, 2024

Ghost of Tsushuma and other notes

For tonight's stream of Ghost of Tsushima, we continued to explore the lower half of the map, finding fox shrines and various little fast travel points while also being misdirected by birds. Found the Heavenly Strike side quest which was pretty good, but all in all we avoided two things that would advance the plot.

Tomorrow night we're playing Final Fantasy XIII opening up Chapter 11 and having to save Hope.

For the raid we dropped in on zonesama who was playing Splatoon 3

Still no word on work resuming... 

Loaded up on Groceries, all the usual pasta related things, but added in some shrimp as well, since iLove how they turn out in the air fryer.

Got to remember to have a salad tomorrow.

Started work on the Spider-Man commission story, finding the right vibe for the intro is forcing me to do something generic, but hell I do need the cash.