Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Lara Rises Again... Only To Fall In The Snow!

Good morning everybody,

Well a new day dawns on us, following a night where Lara Croft was stumbling around in the snow.

Yes, indeed we started up Rise of the Tomb Raider last night, a boy was it a bit confusing in regards to how some abilities were being unlocked and when, as the prologue certainly lasted longer than I thought and the big reveal a good portion of what I playing may be told from a flash back perspective. It seems that way at the very least. It seems Lara has kind of gone loony as she goes all-in following her father's foot steps which puts her in conflict with a fanatical religious group is look for the Divine Source, an relic that seems as if can grant immortality.

Gameplay wise, Rise of the Tomb Raider plays a lot like the first game, but we have the hindrance of snow and the added elements of swimming sections, which gives me flash backs to how swimming was a big deal in Tomb Raider II way back in the 90s. Collectables seems to be a lot easier to find, and there are some in-game perks to finding ancient coins to purchase various items.

I should talk about the micro-transactions Rise of the Tomb Raider has, because it's clear there were some pay to win mechanics going on, which I believe is part of the PVP mode... that sadly was a trend for a long time folks.

Anyway, in terms of where I am in the story, I figure I'm maybe one-third of the way through, if a list of chapters was any indications. With luck, this could be a three-nighter like the first game in the Survivor Trilogy... but I'm not counting on that!

Big thanks to Kalenal for the big raid after her stream of Stardew Valley! Kalenal streams over at twitch.tv/kalenal and plays a lot of Final Fantasy XIV!

Following the stream we sent the fun over to LifeWithStan who was playing Dark Souls III over at twitch.tv/lifewithstan!

Rise of the Tomb Raider Achievements

  1. Quite the Collector: Collect 150 cards
  2. Reading the Past: Translate one Monolith
  3. Following in Father's Footsteps: Enter the Syrian tomb of the Lost Prophet
  4. Quite A Tumble: Survive the avalanche
  5. Tougher Than She Looks: Survive a night in the Siberian wilderness
  6. One-Sided Conversation: Stealth kill an enemy while he is having a conversation
  7. Challenging: Complete any Challenge Tomb
  8. Strange Acquaintance: Rescue Jacob from the gulag
  9. Rapid Recovery: Heal yourself in combat 3 times
  10. Twitch Clip Links

Twitch Clip Links

My off-stream adventures of Final Fantasy XIV continued, first yesterday afternoon with the liberation of Doma and then seeing that Krile was captured by Zenos' goons... needless to say that jerk has a butt kicking coming his way! Also seeing Gosetsu go down was a big reminder of how Square Enix loves to create really likeable characters only to kill them off... I swear it's their revenge for those of us who found Aerith not worth a hill of beans in Final Fantasy VII. 

Of course the Final Fantasy XIV adventures continued after the stream, as I continued the Main Story Quest up through The Silence of the Gods which mean another Primal fight, in perhaps one the most confusing ones I've seen that used a new element where a shield of sorts needed to be trigger to avoid mega AOEs. I will have to ask Kalenal about that in the future before facing the 'Extreme' version of it.

Finally was able to get a lead on Volumes 4-7 of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig, so hopefully I'll be able to add them to the collection to complete that series.

Really excited to do another run of Gears of War 4 starting on Wednesday, as it was the first Xbox One game I finished last year when I got the console. To go through it with Iceman is gonna be a lot of fun I bet!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout featured Sway Back Combo, Straight Combo #2 and Hip Shape Focus Combo as the exercises for a duration of 31 minutes and an estimated calorie burn of 456 kcal.

 I can confirm that I am off work next Thursday for Thanksgiving. Maybe we'll do a long stream that day. 

Saw the trailer for Dragon Ball: The Breakers, and thank goodness it's not another re-telling of the Dragon Ball Z and Super series. Sure it looks like Dragon Ball's version of Dead By Daylight, but at least it's something different!

If Kyle Rittenhouse is found Not Guilty I will not blame anyone for being pissed, because that piece of shit went to Kenosha looking for trouble. In addition the judge is clearly racist and a Trump support whose bias was on full display.

For tonight's stream we will be continuing Rise of the Tomb Raider, and the only thing I can say for sure is that Lara Croft will again be face down in the snow!

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!