Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Tonight's stream of Sea of Thieves was a lot of fun as Striker and Iceman joined in as we continued the next Pirates of  The Caribbean content, which was pretty cool, and we ended up getting chased by an enemy ship, having to use all our supplies... only to end up sinking.  

Now next Wednesday's stream will be a special stream focused around Fantasy Baseball as the chat will get to help in putting together a fantasy baseball team!

Our next stream will feature Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League as we do some achievement hunting and level grinding. Currently I have every character up to level twenty-two, so eight more levels a piece are needed to get them to max level.

For the raid we dropped in on ZoneSama for some retro TV watching hosted by Cecilia Littlewing

Work was solid this evening with five interviews for a health and wellness study

Finished about 50% of WWE related story to fulfill a SubscribeStar commission tier request, I should be able to finish it during the day tomorrow.

Sea of Thieves Achievements

  • Dark Brethren: You completed 'Dark Brethren'.

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)