Monday, December 12, 2022

Fun night of Overwatch 2

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream was certainly filled with wins and losses, in fact there was a long stretch with a lot of losses in a row early on. Still we ended up getting on a stretch of wins too. We also had a variety of folks joining is, big thanks to PatD, PandaSweet and LvStrkr for being apart of the games. I personally picked up two Plays of the Game, one as Mei and one as Junker Queen. Other characters sued were Moira,, Reinhardt, Lucio, Junkrat and several others. 

Also the 3rd and 4th clips listed below are both from the same match, one ended up being Play of the Game, while the other was just a perfect combination of events leading to that match being won.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on PradoxGamerAU who was playing World of Warcraft over on!   

Talked to my dad yesterday, had a nice conversation with him that just brought forward how rough things are going to get for my mom. If anyone wants to help, you can donate to her gofundme at

Finished up one WWE Short Story Commission and started on a fourth, this one will feature Tegan Nox and will be based on her surprise return two weeks ago.

So that Maximillian_DOOD and the Yo Videogames crew was playing DKO Divine Knockout last night, unfortunately they were just doing 2 v 2, becuase it would be interesting to see how they would handle a 3 v 3 situation. He also did a Boss Rage for Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection that I wish I could've stayed up to watch, but thankfully the twitch VODs pick up from where you last watched a live stream for a channel.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Biceps Shape Focus Combo, Difficult Challenge Combo #3 and Difficult Challenge Combo #1 for 34 minutes. Also, yesterday we hit the two year mark... and at my current pace, I should hit the 50 hour mark with Martina around December 27th, original estimate had it being reached January 1st

What did the finger say to the thumb? I'm in glove with you.

Song of the Day: Die A Happy Man by Thomas Rhett.

For tonight's stream, we're back to Pokemon Violet with the goal being to find the 2nd Titan to conquer it. Last week we got lost trying to find it, so hopefully we'll have better luck this time.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)