Friday, May 14, 2021

Today's Notes 5/14/21

Good afternoon everyone,

Slept in today because there were no work assignments, I'm guessing it's because there is one assignment we had was just not being productive, no matter what was tried. Still I took advantage of this by shaving off my beard.

Anyway last night's stream started off with Star Trek Online, and boy was that plagued with bugs, such as getting when I queued up for a Task Force mission, only to be pulled into one that was already started and resulted in me being stuck in the beam in point... which meant I got hit with with an AFK Penalty that wasn't my fault!

Twitch Highlight: Pulled Into A Task Force Operation... And Got Locked In The Spawn Point!

Then add onto that when doing Azura Nebula, I got stuck inside an asteroid, but at least I could free the trapped ships and not be targeted by the Tholians. But yeah Star Trek Online had a lot of issues last night.

Following the STO portion of the week, we tried out Cobra Kai: The Karate Kid Saga Continues, which is a game based on the the show that is based on the films. It's your standard beat 'em up brawler, with a level up grind system, which meant replaying levels to earn the in-game currency needed to make the characters stronger. Probably the best part about this game is the fact the actors provide voices for the video game versions of their characters.

Twitch Clip: Cobra Kai Never Dies!

Off-stream last night, put in more achievement hunting on Mortal Kombat 11 chasing down ones associated with character fatalities and other random ones. Here's the list of what we managed to accomplish: 

  1. Bonzer Bog: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kano
  2. Cyber Initiative: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Frost
  3. Never Ends: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Scorpion
  4. Target Eliminated: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Sonya
  5. On Ice: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Sub-Zero
  6. Oh My Days: Duck 100 times during a match
  7. Disco's Not Dead: Flip Stance 50 times during a match
  8. Brutal End: Perform 25 BRUTALITIES

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was extended because I did not have work today, so made sense to do a longer workout. Certainly felt good at the end of it.  As an added result this ended up being my best week ever in terms of doing Fitness Boxing with a total estimated calorie burn of 5611! Never broke the 5500 barrier before even when doing the original Fitness Boxing with daily long sessions. We're up to 97 points of the 100 needed for Bernardo's Best Friend achievement so we'll get that done tomorrow.

For tonight's stream, we're finally going to play Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. The remastered version of all three games is about 90 GB, with Mass Effect 2 being the largest of the three games. We'll start early, not sure on an exact time, but it's gonna be a long stream that's for damn sure!

And on that note we'll see you later over on!