Monday, April 3, 2023

The Googly Eyes Of Overwatch

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun, with only a handful of matches making me question the intelligence of the teammates I got grouped with. Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun. I picked up a few Plays of the Game as Orissa, Reinhardt and Bastion during tonight's matches. Other characters used were Junker Queen, Moira, Ana, Widowmaker, Ashe, Wrecking Ball and others.

With it being the weekend for April Fools, I totally forgot about the googly eyes being on every character in the game... which made for some disturbing visuals depending on the skin. To my surprise, there voice lines for ultimates were also changed, and it was hilarious to hear Moira yell 'Kamehameha!' when doing her ult!

To my surprised, I did end up getting one of Widowmaker's achievement's done last night completely at random. Keeping in mind, and it was an off-chances that I was able to pull it off... because the requirements for the achievement indicates that it should be done at the same time, but I know I didn't get four eliminations with her venom mine. Oh well.

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Did That Sting?: Kill 4 enemies using Widowmaker's Venom Mine during a single Quick or Competitive Play game.

For the raid we dropped in on TracyDoll during their stream of Resident Evil 4 Remake over at

For tonight's stream we're starting up New Tales From The Borderlands, and I figure we should be able to finish it in two nights, based on my history with other episodic games of a similar nature

Got mom's portrait hanging on the wall by the entrance to the kitchen. It's kind of straight... more or less

Did a fair amount of writing done yesterday afternoon for the latest Mass Effect short story commission, with luck it will not take a week to finish writing it. Wait didn't I say that last week regarding the last story story?!

Played some more Hades last night and knocked out two more achievements.

Hades Achievements

  • Grown Close: Forge a bond with any character
  • Well Versed: Fully Unlock the Olympians' Codex entries

People mocking the DLC road map for Saints Row '22 clearly didn't play it, because as I recently proved, it's not a bad game and I was doing every single thing in it that I considered possible on stream! 

So on that note we'll see you later over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)