Thursday, March 31, 2022

First Fallout 76 Experience, Fitness Boxing 2 Totals For March

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Fallout 76 was interesting, and it's a little quirky in a few ways. First the biggest issues I have is when using the PipBoy device because on almost every other game, to navigate menus it's pressing LB and RB... that is not the case with this game, and so it's going to take getting use to. Also I'm playing it in 3rd person mode, because it does allow to see things from different points of view.

That said, we really took our time getting started, roaming around and finding things to get a feel for the in-game world... where other players can attack you. I was aware of this, but since I have no intention of dealing with any PVP nonsense, I'll just leave the pacifist mode on to avoid that. We did see an example of this because Iceman joined in, and accidentally became wanted... and resulted in a higher level player coming along to get the bounty.

The game and story itself is pretty much open ended as to what approach one should take, but I think managing the hunger and hydration is going to be the biggest issues for me to contend with. Still the game itself does make a for a fun time to mess around with buddies while making casual progress towards getting things done.

Fallout 76 Achievements

  • Reclamation Day!: Leave Vault 76
  • A Fighting Chance: Craft a Weapon
  • Tested Mettle: Complete 5 Challenges
  • Happy Build a C.A.M.P.
  • A Real Challenger: Complete 20 Challenges
  • Second Skin: Craft 5 Pieces of Armor
  • Junker Funk: Gather 200 Pieces of Junk

Twitch Clip Links

For the raid last night we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x  who was playing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain over on!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Defensive Combo #1, Double Combo #1 and Defensive Combo #2. With the extra free training I did today, I set a new personal best for Biceps Shape Focus Combo set to No Mercy, with the results of all 832 actions being 823 Perfect and 9 Okay.

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise Stats For March 2022

  • Punches thrown: 56,922
    • Punches thrown for March 2021: 43,985
  • Estimated Calorie Burn: 24271.95 kcal
    • Estimated Calorie Burn For Match 2021 : 19008.94 kcal

The totals I hit this month set a new best for a complete month, breaking the records I set for myself in May of last year when I three 56,436 punches and had an estimated calorie burn of 23,967.58 kcal. Funny enough, or tragically, the reason for the extra amount of workout time was because work got slow.

Since Peacock is included with my Cable and Internet service through Comcast Xfinity, Let me say this, the TV interface sucks, and the Web browser variate is only marginally better. One does not really realize who limited the Universal Film and TV Library is until you start looking through what is on Peacock. I checked out the WWE Network stuff, watch a random episode of WCW Thunder, and episode of the Broken Skull Sessions.  

Speaking of WWE stuff, my progress in the MyCareer mode of 2K15 continued to where I had a run in with the Shield. It was a nice little story, but I wonder if the limit of being on 'three big events' actually is a hindrance or if of just waiting for major story lines while grinding out various matches.

My Xbox achievement streak continued to today by knock out two achievements in Aaero last night, which extended the streak to 49 days..

Aaero Achievements

  • No brakes: Complete 'I Can't Stop' on Normal
  • 25 Normal Stars: Earn 25 stars on Normal

I am disappointed that Twitch is discontinuing the Desktop App, I found it to be a very useful tool when it came to watching other people stream while I was working on other things.

For tonight's stream we'll be having a nice casual night of Final Fantasy XIV, a raid or two, some level grinding on different stuff, but you know we'll be keeping it chill.

So on that note we'll see you later over at!