Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Star Wars The Force Unleashed and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream ran long because we went ahead and finished Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and I have to say, this was a fun game. Sure we did it on the easiest difficulty, but what instantly stood out to me was how much of a pain in the ass this game could be and probably is on harder difficulty settings with trying to get around and some very questionable hit-stuns and cheap attacks from enemies.Story wise it does lead into the event of the original trilogy quite nicely in regards to doing the Light Side ending, which was clearly canon. Would I play it again? Mostly to grind out achievements that require defeating enemies different ways, finding the collectables and do the Dark Side ending.

So with this game finished, we are going to pivot and start up Resident Evil on Thursday's stream, and we will use a guide for it.

Out next stream on Wednesday will featured Journey to the Savage Planet, as Iceman and I continue our silly adventures

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Achievements
  •     Empirical: Complete Level - Empirical, act 2
  •     Vapor Room: Complete Level - Cloud City, act 2
  •     Cannon Fodder: Defeat 150 Stormtroopers
  •     Skyhook: Complete Level - Kashyyyk, act 2
  •     The Bigger They Are: Defeat 6 Rancors
  •     Infestation: Complete Level - Felucia, act 2
  •     Impaled: Defeat 100 enemies with Saber Throw
  •     Expert: Earn 500,000 Force Points on a single level
  •     Repulsed: Defeat 100 enemies with Force Repulse
  •     Destroyer: Complete Level - Raxus Prime, act 2
  •     The Harder They Fall: Defeat 10 AT-STs or AT-KTs
  •     Legend: Earn 600,000 Force Points on a single level
  •     Redemption: Complete Game - Light Side
  •     Apprentice: Complete Game - Apprentice difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.
For tonight's raid we went dropped in on Calyria who was playing Cyberpunk 2077

Big thank you to Joliet4 for the raid following their World of Warcraft stream!

Work was okay, just another grind, but we got the hours and that's what counts.

Phillies choked big time and last game 7 to the Diamondbacks, and will miss out of the World Series.

Knocked out a Dragon Ball commission request during the day, and it turned out real good I think in regards to figuring out Chi Chi would be involved in the Future Trunks timeline. Next commission story is based on Spider-Man, in fact I already started writing it.

And those will be all of our notes, have a good night!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)