Tuesday, April 19, 2022

We Made Too Many Paragon Choices in Mass Effect 2!

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Mass Effect 2 saw a nice balance of finding a couple of side missions, recruiting the two more characters in Thane and Samara and basically setting up everything for tonight's stream to be a heavy feature of huge missions. Of course last night's stream did see the result of making too many types of choices, in this case Paragon or 'good guy' choices.

See I always go for a more Renegade Shepard in my Mass Effect trilogy sessions, and some where along the line I made a couple of Paragon choices that kind of ruined how I like some scenes to play out, namely during Samara's loyalty mission. I suspect these choices happened when trying to lure Morinth out where I stumbled across a couple of Paragon only decisions... as was the case with the mission for Ish last week. Normally, I would get a choice to side with either Samara or Morinth... but that didn't happen this time. This does raise concerns when it comes to Legion's loyalty mission and the argument they have with Tali afterwards. 

I should point out I did have one Critical Mission Failure and a couple of close calls during Thane's recruitment mission. On a side note as well, it's amazing that Samara and Thane have such combat heavy missions to get them, but their loyalty missions involve no combat at all, and it involves killing Samara's daughter and saving Thane's son. I wonder if there was something cut from the game that would have them at odds, much like Tali and Legion will be as I mentioned before, in addition to Jack and Miranda's blow up. In fact, Grunt and Mordin should have had issues with each other as well. The thing is, that leaves Jacob as the only one not to have an argument with anyone else... plus Zaeed and Kasumi, but those two were DLC characters.

Anyway, what we'll lead off with tonight is Lair of the Shadowbroker, then go get the Collector's EMF and Legion, then do Legion's Loyalty mission and finally go through the Omega 4 Relay. This is going to pretty action packed for the most part and it should be a lot of fun.

Mass Effect 2 Achievements

  • The Assassin: Successfully recruit the Assassin
  • Weapon Specialist: Fully upgrade a weapon
  • The Justicar: Successfully recruit the Justicar
  • Cat's in the Cradle: Gain the loyalty of the Assassin
  • Doppelganger: Help the Justicar resolve her mission

Twitch Clip Links

For the raid we dropped in on YRGamerBunni who was playing the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect 2 over at twitch.tv/YRGamerBunni!   

I was invited to be an affiliate for Xsplit, which offers various tools used by many different types of people who want to stream, video conference or podcast. The two Xsplit adds you'll see on this blog are direct referral links if you want to learn more about what they have of available. Personally I'm a big fan of the Vcam as I use that as a way to assist the chroma key I use to filter out my green screen. You can learn more by clicking HERE and by using the promo code CASDEN at check out, you'll save 10% on your order.    

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout involved Straight Combo #2, Sway Back Combo, and Hip Shape Focus Combo.

Did some off-stream Final Fantasy XIV stuff last night, tried out the PVP... and turns out I needed to slot what abilities I wanted? It was very confusing. Also picked up a couple of Blue Mage spells. So that was a positive. It was pointed out to me that I never list achievements from when I play Final Fantasy XIV... and it's because the Lodestone site for FF14 doesn't exactly update in time for me to document anything special that was accomplished

Imagine my shock to see that Anthony Rendon is now listed Day to Day... and that Lou Trivino is on the COVID list... keeping up with my Fantasy Baseball team is going to drive me batty

For tonight's stream, as I mentioned earlier we'll be looking to finish Mass Effect 2, I'm looking to start almost as soon as I finish dinner after work to make sure we can cover everything without going past midnight!

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!