Saturday, January 28, 2023

First Day Without Mom

Good afternoon everyone, 

I went to bed at 5:40 AM Yesterday morning waking up at 8:30 AM and got on the ball contacting family and friends about mom, getting in touch with quite a few folks. My aunt Grace, cousin Frances, unacle Abraham and his wife Carmen all came to the house... and there were tears and laughter. My brother arrived with food that my aunt Hilary arranged for, so everyone ended up getting fed. My brother has done an amazing job in getting arrangements made for mom's funeral, and it's tentatively planned for Wednesday. The plan is to have mom cremated and to keep the ashes a the house, but first they need my signature to go ahead with the cremation of mom's remains.

Last night's stream, the first 3 hours were me just talking about my mom, my family, the day in general... I ended up giving a toast to mom with the beer she never got to drink. Ended up grabbing two boxes of VHS tapes, finding movies like DC Cab, Mystic Pizza and other films. 

Eventually we got around to playing a video game, namely Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, getting a few achievements in Grand Prix mode, plus taking a 2nd place finish in a match making race. So it ended up being a good night.

Big thank you to Iceman for the $50 donation and gifting Pandasweet a Tier 1 gift sub. He has been an awesome friend during all of this.

And thank you to everyone who was in the chat, either chatting or lurking during the whole night, and just allowing me to just talk about my mom.

For the raid, we dropped in on Oldish22 while they were playing Final Fantasy XIV over on!

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Achievements

  • Arrow Of Light: Froze an opponent with Ice from at least 100 meters away
  • Rank B: Earned your B Class License
  • Genesis: Triple-Stunted while transforming into a car or boat
  • Newtron: Manually selected a Random character for a Matchmaking game

I'll upload a few older stories from the Dice and Kristi era to my subscribstar before tonight's stream. We'll see how that goes, and I'll try and finished that WWE/NHL crossover commission request... but it's going to be an busy afternoon.

Found pictures of mom for the funeral... and my brother is picking me up to go visit one of our uncles.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Advanced Combo #2, Hook Combo #2, Left-Right Step Combo

Saw DaemonsW0lf playing the new Dead Space... and boy is that game a buggy mess. Ashame, because it looked like Dae was enjoying it.

"What did the ocean say to the beach?" "Nothing, it just waved."

Song of the Day:Feel Like The First Time by Foreigner.

Not sure what's on the agenda for tonight's stream is since we didn't start Final Fantasy VII Remake, but we'll figure something out.

On that note we'll see you later over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)