Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII went pretty well, we reached Taejin's Tower and knocked out several of the mandatory hunts before finding an excellent spot to grind for CP. I could have easily pushed to finish Chapter 11 this evening, however, there were some outside circumstances that prevented it, not to mention if I can get close to 999,999 CP points, we could damn near fill out Hope, Ligntning and Fang's standard skill trees for level 9. I will try and do some heavy grinding on that, otherwise Thursday's stream will feature me going up and down a set of stairs.

Of course the outside factor was that Xfinity was scheduled to be doing maintenance around 1 AM, so that's why I ended the stream fairly early.

For the raid we dropped in on lilmoolah_ who was playing Cyberpunk 2077

Wednesday's night stream is slated to feature Sea of Thieves with Iceman, if he's available, otherwise, it will be Smite

Didn't get as much writing done on the Resident Evil commission I was expecting. I take that back, I got a lot done, but didn't finish it. I'll be working on that before I go to bed so that when I wake up I can work on the next story that's on my docket.

On a side note, the clips from the final night of Catherine Full Body continue to get flagged by Sega, but we should be outside of the 30 day window for the clips that appear during the BRB screen.