Sunday, October 22, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was the usual nonsense, but we had PandaSweet along for the ride as we had some very good matches statistically while were were let down by people not pulling their weight on several occasions. I picked up five plays of the games this week, two as Junker Queen, one as Dva and one as Sombra.

Speaking of Sombra, who rework certainly fits my play style a bit more with a controller, and no longer having to worry about accidentally pressing L3 and destroy her transmitter to teleporter to a health pack. Of course now the challenge is figuring out the timing of all her cool downs to really be effective.

Anyway our next stream is slated for around 9:30 PM Eastern on Monday with the start of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

For tonight's raid we went over to where Final Fantasy XIV was featured. Yes we raided Kalenal last night, but Kal is a great friend, and with my current schedule it's not always easy to catch her streams.

Got a fair bit of writing done finishing the WWE commission request we started yesterday and knocking out the one for The Flash. Next is a complicated commission story based around AEW, then we have a Dragon Ball commission as well.

Of course Monday morning I have that Zoom orientation as a Petite Jury at 8 AM in the morning... ugh. At least I don't have to go to the court house, that's a real pain in the ass.

Phillies and now need one more win to advance to the World Series for the second year in a row. Hopefully they can win on Monday night.

And with that... good night!