Sunday, February 4, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

We had a fun night of Overwatch 2 this evening as we were joined by PandaSweet for every single match. We certainly  ran into our fair share of questionable teammaes. Characters I used were JunkerQueen, Dva, Cassidy, Hanzo,, Windowmaker, Tracer and several other characters.

Tomorrow night we're returning to Skullgirls to finish all the story mode runs we need to do (and to basically make Skullgirls 'reviewable' for my YouTube channel)

For the raid we dropped in on brittballs who was playing Celeste

Finished Series 12 of Red Dwarf and now just have to watch The Promise Land movie. Looking forward to watching it this week.

Did some grocery shopping today, picked up all the goodies!

Nearly finished the WWE Short Story commission, but wrestling stories are not fun to right so it's taking longer than needed to finish.

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII saw us get further than I ever did with my original PlayStation 3 play through as a) I learned where I could grind CP, b) got real comfortable switching between the various roles and c) had the strategy guide to get a good idea of how to deal with various enemies, including the boss at the end of chapter five. I did save the game before we launched into chapter six, because I want to open the next time we play Final Fantasy XIII with an achievement.

Speaking of which, Final Fantasy XIII returns on Tuesday night's stream.

Also, big thank you to the two folks who followed during the s tream!

Tomorrow's stream will feature Overwatch 2.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on psudonym who was playing Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth,

I caught up on a lot of sleep today, granted I should've done some groceries.

Didn't get much writing done on a WWE related story for a commission, but I'll be working on that before I go to sleep tonight.

 Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Instrument of Vengeance: Resolved to be more than a victim of circumstance.