Sunday, January 9, 2022

First Impressions Of Kingdom Hearts III

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night we began Kingdom Hearts III, which thankfully doesn't fully make it obvious I'm going to be grinding to get Sora leveled up to have various abilities. Graphically it does look great, and the music that I've heard so far is good... outside of the opening theme song which was garbage. The game worlds certainly feel bigger in terms of seeming like there are lots of things to miss everywhere... then there is the feeling the chapter words feel short, as if there will not be much back tracking if at all.

The big indicator of this is that Olympus, the world for Hercules seems as if it was closing the book on threads left open from Kingdom Hearts II, while Twilight Town sets the stage for what Sora's new main goal is... which is to find Roxas. So let me understand this, first game he goes looking for Kairi, second game is Rikku... third game is Roxas? And a lot of the dialog I've seen involving folks I thought were killed (Members of Organization XIII) seems to indicate that this will be the end of Sora's journey one way or another.

Now there were references to stuff in games I haven't played, but since I played enough of Birth by Sleep to understand what Aqua went through to end up in the darkness (okay one campaign but things being obvious), for the most part Kingdom Hearts III isn't punishing the player for being too reliant on things people might not know.

If I do have a gripe... it's probably going to be with the controls not feeling as tight as they were with Kingdom Hearts II... something feels a little sluggish about how Sora responds, then again the excessive new animations he goes through in some instances (such as being lit on fire) does take me out of the game play. Also some details such as the coloring of Donald Duck's bill and feet along with Maleficent's skin tone seem a little weird... not to mention the voices for Mickey Mouse and Scrooge McDuck being no where close to how I've heard them for a 30+ years.

Question is how will we fit Kingdom Hearts III in with Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, I'm thinking keeping the adventures of Kenshiro on Mondays and Tuesdays until that's finished with KH3 getting either Friday's or Saturdays then moving into the earlier slots in the week. Just seems that will work best.

For the raid, we sent things over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV! You can check Kalenal out over at


  1. A New Journey: Begin your brand new adventure.
  2. Tall Enough to Ride: Use an attraction to defeat enemies for the first time.
  3. Clash of the Gods: Adventure through Olympus and complete the story.
  4. Heartbound: Use a link to defeat enemies for the first time.
  5. Say Cheese!: Snap your first photo.
  6. A Wish at Twilight: Adventure through Twilight Town and complete the story.
  7. Full Course: Earn your first "Excellent" while preparing cuisine.
  8. Muscle Memory: Get a new high score in one of the Classic Kingdom games.

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Hook Combo #1, Waist Shape Focus Combo and Block Combo for 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 472 kcal.

Messed around some more with Microsoft Solitaire Collection to knock off another achievement, this helps my Achievement streak reach 36 days.

Microsoft Solitaire Collection (UWP) Achievements

  • Itsy-Bitsy Spider: Win 10 Spider games
  • Gimme 5!: Play the Daily Challenge 5 days in a row

Officially finished the 5.2 content of Final Fantasy XIV which involved the mostly cut-scene filled quests called Nothing Unsaid, The Journey Continues, Unto The Morrow and Reflections in Crystal. While this does a great job of getting the Scions back to their bodies... which means my attention will now turn to back to the Eden quests to see that story line wrapped up. I also believe I may have to do level up a tank and a mage to get some role quests done to access something else... but I'm not 100% sure.

Watched Airplane II: The Sequel last night, while not as good as the first film, it does have its fair share of laugh out loud moments. Does make me wonder on if I should do 'reacts to' type videos for YouTube.

My off-stream play-through of Mass Effect (360) for achievement purposes reached the point where Tali is recruited, and I like to think I've put some progress in using Overload, Sabotage and Dampening

It's the start of a new week which means time to take a look at what we did last week! The games we featured were Overwatch, Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, Forza Horizon 4, Gears 5, Final Fantasy XIV, Pokemon Shining Pearl and Kingdom Hearts III1

For tonight's stream Overwatch is the name of the game as it is every Sunday! Also I updated the skins and voice lines since the Winter Event is done. Won't need to make any changes until the Lunar New Year event in February!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!