Friday, February 19, 2021

Today's Notes 2/19/21

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Star Trek Online was pretty damn solid from start to finish, as we went through every one of my characters doing one thing (either a mission, task force operation, patrol or other activity), so folks got to see the wide variety of 'captains' I've used. For some of the characters, it was their first time being used in a couple of years, and boy are some characters badly under-powered with how Star Trek Online has evolved over the year in regards to how some things stack. 

We did have a little 'scare' last night as the power did go out while I was putting together last night's highlight video for the Facebook page. Near as I can tell, because of all the ice, wind, snow we've had, it's pushed the branches of a neighbor's over-grown, poorly maintained tree down on the power lines near the transformer. The asshole in question refuses to do anything about how the tree's branches and because he has 'stroke' with the city council, no one has ever forced him to fix this issue. To give you an idea of how much of a horse's ass that guy is, he has a dog in his yard that he keeps out doors pretty much year round, even in cases of excessive heat and cold while also being one of the asshole who sets up outside of a local elementary school during election time to 'convince' people to vote for who he wants. 

Anyway, we had a solid Fitness Boxing 2 Session today as I'm getting use to setting up for the exercises being to the right of my green-screen as opposed to the left. I might have to drop side steps and front-back steps because i would need to move some furniture to have the room necessary to perform both comfortably. We reached a new milestone called Super Stamper Lv. 3 which is to log in 70 days of daily exercise, or as the game calls it 'acquire 70 stamps'. It doesn't have to be consecutive days, but it helps if you do exercise a bit daily.

For tonight's stream, we'll be trying out Hades on the Nintendo Switch, this game was highly recommend by one of my viewers a few weeks ago as something they thought I would be interested in. When it comes to rouge like dungeon crawlers, they are not my forte, and part of the reason why I haven't gone back to Diablo III was because of how overly complicated things involving gear got. 

But you know what's funny, the lead character in Hades is called Zagreus, which is a name I never associated with Greek mythology. In fact, I associate the name Zagreus with Doctor Who through the Big Finish published audio dramas! In fact, my main character in Star Trek Online is called Zagreus, and the character is a female liberated Borg drone, while in Greek mythology, Zagreus is the name of a son of Zeus and Persephone. I say 'a son', because we all know Zeus got around.

And on that note, we'll see you later tonight over on!