Monday, February 27, 2023

Well I solved the audio problems

Good morning everyone,

So as I was going insane with the increasing audio lag, I decided to switch from monitoring the console audio through OBS to just having its audio go through to my gaming monitor's speakers, which means hearing stuff in games is going to be a lot different for me and I lose the ability the hear things from a 360 degree perspective since there is no need for the headphones. On the plus side, this does mean I get to bother neighbors with Alerts and redeems that my viewers use during my broadcasts... and if I ever rope my Cousin or Brother into being apart of a stream, the set up is now perfect for them to hear game audio as well.

As for last night's stream, we played Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun, as we were joined by both BangBangBang and PandaSweet for a lot of matches, which lead to many wins and a few losses along the way. Picked up 4 plays of the game as Orisa, Reinhardt, and Moira. Other characters used were Ana, Cassidy, Junkrat, Ana, Zenyatta among others. This was also a great test regarding Discord to Xbox Live Chat, as now I can use both depending on what I'm playing and with whom. 

And let me tell ya, there is a real difference in playing Overwatch with and without headphones in that trying to track certain characters is not as easy because the sound mixture is to have the sounds coming from all sides.

Despite the computer troubles that popped up, I was able to save the Plays of the Game I had prior to 2/16, so when I put together the collection of Overwatch POTGs for February, I'll have them all. Granted they won't be shown it order.

For the raid we dropped in on Redneck_23 who was playing Dirt 5 over at

Finished the WWE short story commission yesterday afternoon, and that client wants an instant follow up... I really need to stop having open endings on things WWE related. But before I do that, I had another commission request come in for a Daria short story based on the episode The Invitation, I already have about 1400 words written on that, because I needed the dialog from two scenes to make it work.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Uppercut Combo #2, Body Straight Combo and Front-Back Step Combo.

"What does a sprinter eat before a race?" "Nothing, they fast!"

Song of the Day:Teen Angel by Mark Dinning

For tonight's stream we'll be starting up Agents of Mayhem as the new Monday & Tuesday night adventure game, and since I've played it before I do have a fair idea of how I want to approach this play through.Also I elected to install it on the Xbox One as opposed to the Xbox Series console, mostly since it is an older game.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)