Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Today's Notes 11/25/20

Good afternoon everybody,

It's the eve of Thanksgiving and for some reason that I cannot wrap my head around, millions of people are risking themselves and their own families to travel via airplane for the festival of consuming a large avian creature. Look I somewhat understand it in normal years, but in a normal year Thanksgiving is one of the more dangerous holidays, now compound that with COVID-19 and the fact that its been spreading like wild fire over the last few months.... it doesn't make sense why anyone would want to be in a confined space and risk exposure. Do you seriously trust everyone to follow the rules of keeping their masks on during flights to say nothing of how some news stations around the country have shown footage of packed airports... look, if you are too far away to drive to where you want to go, then it's not worth the risk. But I guess idiots are going to be idiots.

Anyway, today's Fitness Boxing session was pretty damn good, or at least I felt good afterward. Lot of work on the core with Hook Combo #2, Uppercut Combo #1 and Defensive Combo #2. For the first time in a few weeks I did step on the scale, and my weight dropped from 121.5 kilograms to 119.3 kilograms or from about 267 pounds down to 263 pounds. Part of the reason why I stopped stepping on the scale every few days as per the games instructions was because my weight was either staying steady or fluctuating upwards... and that was kind of depressing. I think I'll continue to do that, only weighing in once every couple of weeks, that way there is room for chance.

 Last night's stream of Kingdom Hearts RE Chain of Memories was what it was, actually got my butt handed to be by Cloud and Hades in the Olympus Coliseum, and it wasn't until I fast the Trickmaster at the end of the Wonderland did I understand the 'sleight' system. Because of my lack of enthusiasm for this game, we'll just limit it to Mondays and Tuesdays for the foreseeable future. Besides there are '13 floores' and we've already covered 4, so it kind of breaks things up evenly, and from what I understand 1 floor is basically fully of mini games involving Winnie The Pooh.

Not totally sure what we'll be doing for tonight' stream as of yet, we might make it a variety stream where I just bounce from game to game. We'll see for sure later on over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)