Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Try Hards Of 3rd Strike Face The Aftermath

Good morning everybody,

You know, as part of my job I'm getting a real good idea of how apparently good or bad a job the Governor of a state that borders Texas and Arizona has done dealing with Covid-19.... it all depends on who I talk too of course.

Anyway last night's stream lead off with Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, the third and final game of the Street Fighter III trilogy and the one that most people have experience playing. Surprisingly, I had little trouble getting through a standard arcade run as Ryu to get the get the achievement for beating it as part of the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection.

However... since we had time to kill, and since the 30th Anniversary Collection has online play, the second arcade run was never completed because of we enabled the online aspect... which meant I was going up not against the A.I. which I can beat... but actual players who have any where between 2000 to 4000 matches... aka, the super try hard players that play as if they want to impress someone.... now I basically got stomped, taking only a couple of rounds here and there, but the impression I get is that they are desperate to get up an imaginary leader board.

Now I'm in no-way good at fighting games, but the fact is, the reason why most fighting games have such a short shelf life with people jumping ship to the next new thing that comes along is because you do have players who make them not fun to play. You have seen me get my ass kicked in head to head matches plenty of times, and if I feel I got out played fairly, I'll say it.

Still, the second half of the stream was dedicated to the Aftermath of Gears of War Judgment, which takes place in conjunction with the final chapter of Gears of War 3. It plays a lot more like Gears of War 1 2 and 3, so things weren't too heavy in terms of keeping score. Iceman joined in for the fun of getting through, and there was hilarity to be had in terms of glitches and game mechanics that popped up.

Perhaps the best part of the Aftermath story is how oblivious Baird and Cole are when it comes to the status of Dom, they don't know that until the meet up against with Fenix and company at the end of Gears of War 3, so Barid has some optimism in his voice. Also there is some mystery regarding Sofia's fate as she was kidnapped by COG forces, which makes me wonder if that will be explored in a future game. It is probably covered in the books.

But with Gears of War Judgment being wrapped up that opens the door to replay Gears of War 4 this time with help from another player, which should be a lot of fun! We'll start that up next Wednesday night. But will another Street Fighter game be the lead in? Probably, we could try knocking out the Street Fighter II games that are part of the 30th Anniversary Collection, but I'm not 100% sure at this point.

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV over at

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection Achievements

  1. Striking Out: Beat Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Fight For The Future.

Gears of War: Judgment Achievements

  1. Ready for War: Earned at least one Onyx medal
  2. Friends: Completed Aftermath

Twitch Clip Links

My own Final Fantasy XIV adventures  covered all Main Story Quests from A Familiar Face Forgotten up through Bereft of Hearth and Home... as the Garlean Empire, or rather one Zenos vae Galvus, attacked Rhalgr's Reach... and since the Empire basically controls Ala Mhigo, this doesn't come as as shock, but what was shocking was how one sided my first encounter with him was, and I suspect there is a lot more to him than meets the eye. 

That said, I'm not too keen on single player battles having phases, as it just compounds and already tough system to keep an eye, not to mention if one has to hurry to defeat enemies while relying on AI partners can make things a bit tedious.

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise added a second pack of music DLC, this time focused on tracks for the trainers, which we added. I look forward to hearing them as I continue to put in 30 minutes a day of working out! And speaking of which....  today's daily work out involved Double Combo #2, Left-Right Step Combo and Advanced Combo #2 for a duration of 31 minutes an a estimated calorie burn of 539 kcal.

For tonight's stream we are hooking up the PlayStation 2 to play ESPN NHL 2K5, and we'll set the periods to 20 minutes and the difficulty to Pro to see how badly I get my ass kicked!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!