Sunday, July 31, 2022

Thoughts on every character in MultiVersus

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream was totally dedicated to MultiVersus, for well over four hours. I didn't just stick with one character, I rotated through everyone currently in the game.So here are my thoughts on the current roster. I had more losses than wins during the night, but I had a blast. In fact I was having so much fun I nearly forgot to take a break! Anyway here's my break down of the current cast of characters in the game.

Lebron James: The basketball gimmick is quite useful, but it's way to easy to eliminate yourself by trying to use a down ability to dunk someone who is trying to get back on the platform

The Iron Giant: Big and slow, does a lot of damage and hits like a brick. Hope you never get stuck with a random partner also playing the character because the match becomes a slog.

Taz: Played him before the nerf that is coming for his spin, I don't see what the issue was, I found him to be fairly solid.

Velma: As a support character, I couldn't figured her out, but using her as a brawler allowed me to spam her gimmicks.

Arya Stark: Getting behind opponents and attacking from behind is key, does have some nice recovery options.

Batman: His grapple hook is great to close in on enemies... but can also result in yeeting yourself off platforms.

Bugs Bunny: Fairly even kit, but apparently he's getting nerf. His air side special of a rocket is really useful to try and get a quick ring out.

Finn the Human: I really not sure what to make of FInn, when I fact him I get my ass kick, when I used him I couldn't quite understand how his skills worked.

Garnet: A close range bruiser, has rocket punches... other than that nothing stood out to me

Harley Quinn: My 'main', has a side special that should get you behind enemies to shoot them in the back.

Jake the Dog: Actually calls opponents bastards, has to be in close to be effective near as I can tell.

Rendog: has an ability to extend a shield around partnered players, total support character but can set up some traps.

Shaggy: The mascot of the game, total instinct Shaggy is one of two characters everyone gets to learn right off the bat. Not sure how to make him throw a huge sandwich.

Steven Universe: A support character that can set up a shield for a barrier, can also create a clone that if it gets ringed out makes you think he himself has been elininated.

Superman: Classic Big Blue, has some nice combos, I didn't get a good handle on how to have him fly.

Tom and Jerry: You're actually Tom with Jerry being your item. I find it funny they and Bugs are classified as Mages.

Wonder Woman: Like Shaggy, she is someone everyone gets to learn right from the jump. Has some great nature combos.

On a side note we did pick up a few achievements related to MultiVersus as well

MultiVersus Achievements

  • Spike Specialist: Get 10 Ringouts using the bottom of the blastbox
  • Bun-Puncher Supreme: Get 100 ringouts
  • Signature Slammer: Get 10 low damage ringouts
  • Toast Master: Give out 100 toasts to other players

Twitch Clips

For the raid, we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV over at!  

Now I had an Xfinity tech come out and what they checked was everything, with the key thing being replaced was a splitter that had three connectors to one that had two while making sure the internet is in the priority slot. Apparently Xfinity splitters divide up the signal a certain way with three connectors that was causing some issues, not to mention I learned exactly where the 'cut off' is for when power levels get to high (51) on the modem which causes intermittent issues. The stream itself had no issues what so ever which was good.

My copy of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r] arrived yesterday afternoon, and I'm excited to see it is an ArcSys game that has a story mode.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout included Hip Shape Focus Combo, Intermediate Combo #2 and Straight Combo #2 for 28 minutes. Excellent chance we'll knock out the Bernardo's Champion achievement tomorrow

Fitness Boxing 2 Stats for the Month of July 2022

  • Punches Thrown: 36492
  • Estimated Calories Burned:15125.22 kcal
  • Bernardo's Champion Progress: 98% (49 out of 50 hours)
  • King EX Fighter Progress:94%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Days In A Row: 597
  • Total days in a row: 755

Figured out the intro for the Watch Dogs commission fic, so now it's all about writing the action that is set up. Probably won't finish writing it until tomorrow or Tuesday.

It's the start of a new week, so let's recap what we played over the last week which was Overwatch, Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime, Fall Guys, Cultist Simulator, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Persona 5 Strikers and MultiVersus!

How do you catch a bra? With a booby trap.

How many tickles can an octopus take? Tentacles!

Song of the Day: Say So by Doja Cat

For tonight's stream Overwatch is on deck, so we'll hope for a smooth night with no issues. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)