Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Today's Notes 1/19/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night's stream of Saints Row The The Third Remastered saw a big focus on doing 'activities' that count towards the progression of taking over Steelport. Much like with how I played Saints Row IV Relected and Saints Row Gat out of Hell, I do put a big focus of capturing territory before advancing the main missions, plus it there are several achievements tied towards doing the activities in the game. Speaking of which we did unlock three achievements last night, Bo-Duke-En which was to perform 50 quick vehicle hijacks (running towards a vehicle in motion and pressing wide to dive into it like The Duke Boys in the Dukes of Hazard TV show); Tank You Very Much, which was to completed all instances of Tank Mayhem; and Tune In, Drop Off, which was to Completed all instances of Trafficking.

Arriving in the mail today was brand new copies of nearly 20 year old games for the Playstation 2, Street Fighter Alpha Anthology, which was a 2006 fighting game compilation that collects the Street Fighter Alpha series (Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter Alpha 2, and Street Fighter Alpha 3) plus the the console-exclusive Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold and Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix. While I have played home version of Alpha 1 and 2 before, and the arcade version of Alpha 3 (in the 30th Anniversary collection), I have never played Alpha 2 Gold or Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix. Plus I understand there are two other games hidden on the disc, so it should be interesting. Also my copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 along with another memory card for the PS2... what you don't think I'm going to delete old save data now do you? 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session felt pretty good, a few questionable misses but not enough to cause my Fitness Age to be scored in the mid 20s. New achievement with Super Lightweight Puncher Lv. 3 which was to reach a total punch count of 54,000 Hits, with my exact total being 54,006. Also started to chance the 'free training' achievements for Lin which is just to do an exercise set in addition to the daily workout. Which means at some point I'll start using the other in-game trainers to chase there related achievements as well. 

Tonight over on Twitch, we'll be returning to the Division 2 with the next manhunt starting today! We'll be teaming up with Icemany7667, FNDanteSavage and PowerThumbz, which also means a double or triple co-stream with the later two. Dante's twitch channel is twitch.tv/fndantesavage and Thumbz can be found at twitch.tv/powerthumbz) and since I already got word that my job won't interfere tonight, we'll be getting started at about 9 PM EST.

And on that bombshell we'll see ya later this evening over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!