Friday, August 20, 2021

Today's Notes 8/20/21: Life Sure Is Strange

Good morning everybody,

Life can be strange as this week certainly has been regarding some important things... from the idiot from Laurel Springs crashing into my fence to work being... well a non-factor this week due to assignments not launching when those in charge said they would... I gave myself a hair cut that most people would pay #40 for... and then there's the fiasco going over with OnlyFans, and yes I did talk about this at the start of last night's stream, but I do need content for this blog of mine.

Now I know there are a few Twitch Streamers who do have OnlyFans accounts to expand their brand in a more... mature way, which is fine, all power to them, hell sex workers get a bad rap for doing what they can to earn an living... and to see their efforts on making OnlyFans into what it is only to see the continued fall out of the Bella Thorne fiasco from last year is really frustrating to see because I've experienced a similar kicking in the teeth over on YouTube because of the likes of Jake& Logan  Paul. You see when someone that is semi-main stream does something that forces a change that screws over thousands of people, intentional or not, they hurt those people. 

Remember it was the stupidity of The Paul Brothers that lead to YouTube kicking thousands of channels off their partnered program (and its the reason why I gave up on producing scripting content), now look what's happening over on OnlyFans, more 'main stream' celebrities are going to it and those content creators who were making more mature content is being thrown off in October, despite the fact they are the reason OnlyFans became well known at all! Just goes to show life is strange

 As for the stream itself, we lead off with Star Trek Online, tackling the endeavor quests, which weren't to bad. Shoot down torpedoes that can be shot down, win 5000 Gold Press Latinum in Dabo, complete one Iconian Task Force Operation and I forget what the fourth one was. Both Sorra and Zagreus ended up with new ships that will be featured over the coming weeks in Task Force Operations and other nonsense to keep STO a part of the weekly line up

Then our attention turned to Life is Strange, a game I have played before using the Steam/PC version, this time around we're using the Xbox Series S to play the console version. Obviously there is not much difference, but one of my viewers pointing out that the game looked smoother than it does using the previous generation console, so I made the right call there.... plus using the Series S makes it easy to get screen shots for the blog!

I am making and effort to try and keep Max making the more reasonable choices however, the differences between right and wrong are pretty vague in a game where you can rewind time... which comes in handy when you figure over the course of five episodes one can get the impression that Chloe is just too stupid to live.Of course I'm going BAE before Bay on this stream since it's the one thing Max does that actually matters in the long run in Life is Strange 2.

 Now I did comment on David Madsen actually doing his job at Blackwell Academy, and knowing he actually makes an effort to bond with Chloe in Life is Strange Before The Storm, does paint his actions and attitude in a very different light. He does this job to the best of his ability  Sure he's a bit extreme with a strong case of PTSD, but hey his intentions are in the right place.

Anyway, since we're using the Xbox Series console for this, that means achievements... and I got all byt 2 in Episode 1, missing the obvious photo in Victoria's room. But here's the list of what we did accomplish.

Life Is Strange Achievements

  1. Macro Eyes: Take optional photo #1 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  2. Wide Angles: Take optional photo #2 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  3. Telephotogenic: Take optional photo #3 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  4. Close-Ups: Take optional photo #4 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  5. Red Eye: Take optional photo #5 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  6. Zoomed In: Take optional photo #7 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  7. Focal Pointed: Take optional photo #8 in Episode 1: Chrysalis
  8. Maximum Aperture: Take optional photo #9 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Anyway, Life is Strange Episode 2 will be featured as apart of next week's line up, maybe even paired with Star Trek Online again, or placed on Friday. We'll see.... but here is the list of clips from last night.


Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 452 kcal. The exercises for today were Straight Combo #1, Hip Shape Focus Combo & Sway Back Combo. Today we knocked out the last two achievements, Karen's Best Friend and King Fit Fighter.... but it turns out by doing that we unlocked three new exercises (Difficult Combo variants 1 2 and 3) plus a whole new list of achievements called 'EX Achievements' with the EX standing for Extra. These achievements are to keep the player (aka me) motivated by giving long term achievements, such as working out with a trainer for a certain number of hours, exercising for consecutive days and so forth. Because we have been working out daily, rotating outfits on the trainers, I already have well over 50% of the EX achievements knocked out.Here is the full list

Fitness Boxing 2 Achievements

  1. Karen's Best Friend: Reach a Trusting Partnership With Karen
  2. King Fit Fighter: Earn All Achievement
  3. Daily Shining Star: Acquire a 3 Star Rating in your daily workout 30 times
  4. One Month's Hard Work: Perform Daily Workouts for 30 consecutive Days
  5. Lin's Contender: Train with Lin for over 30 hours
  6. Fair-weather Stamper: Acquire 150 Stamps
  7. Omni-weight Puncher Lv: Reach a total punch count of 150,000 HITs
  8. Glowing Superstar: Achieve a perfect score 30 times
  9. Janice's Fashion Passion: GIve Janice an outfit she likes 10 times or more
  10. Karen's Fashion Passion: Give Karen an outfit she likes 10 times or more
  11. Hiro's Fashion Passion: Give Hiro an outfit he likes 10 times ore more
  12. Lin's Fashion Passion: Give Lin an outfie she likes 10 times or more
  13. Sophie's Fashion Passion: Give Sophie an outfit she likes 10 or more
  14. Laura's Fashion Passion: Give Laura an outfit she likes 10 times or more
  15. Martin's Fashion Passion: Give Martina an outfit she likes 10 times or more
  16. Bernardo's Fashion Passion: Give Bernardo an outfit he likes 10 times or more
  17. Evan's Fashion Passion: Give Evan an outfit he likes 10 times or more
  18. Janice's Fashion Flop: Give Jan an outfit she dislikes 5 times or more
  19. Hiro's Fashion Flop: Give Hiro an outfit he dislikes 5 times or more
  20. Lin's Fashion Flop: Give Lin an outfit she dislikes 5 times or more
  21. Iron Knuckle Warrior: Beat a record for number of punches thrown in a day one time
  22. Burning Warrior: Beat a record for estimate calories burned in a day one time
  23. Space-time Warrior: Beat a record for time spent exercise in a day one time
  24. Biceps Builder: Perform upper arm exercises 100 times
  25. Chest Builder: Perform chest exercise 100 times
  26. Core Builder: Perform core exercises 100 times
  27. Glute Builder: Perform lute exercises 100 times
  28. Calf Builder: Perform calf exercises 100 times
  29. First-rate Stamper: Acquire 200 stamps
  30. Omni-Weight Puncher Lv 2: Reach a total punch count of 180,000 HITs
  31. Shining Superstar: Achieve a perfect score 50 times
  32. Iron Kncukle Hero: Beat a record for number of punches thrown in a day two times
  33. Burning hero: Beat a record for estimate calories burned in a day two times
  34. Space-Time Hero: Beat a record for time spent exercises in a day two times
  35. Biceps Artis: Perform upper arm exercises 200 times
  36. Chest Artist: Perform chest exercises 200 times
  37. Core Artist: Perform core exercises 200 times
  38. Glute Artist: Perform glute exercises 200 times
  39. Calf Artist: Perform calf exercises 200 times
  40. Ace EX Fighter: Acquire 25% of EX Achievements
  41. Three Months Hard work: Perform Daily Workouts for 90 consecutive days
  42. Magnificent Stamper: Acquire 250 Stamps
  43. Omni-Weight Puncher Lv 3: Reach a total punch count of 210,000 HITs
  44. Gleaming Superstar: Achiee a perfect score 100 times
  45. Iron Knuckle Legend: Beat a record for number of punches thrown in a day three times
  46. Burning Legend: Bea a record for estimate calories burned in a day three times
  47. Space-TIme Legend: Beat a record for time spent exercise in a day three times
  48. Four Months Hard Work: Perform Daily Workouts for 120 consecutive days
  49. Omni-Weight Puncher Lv 4: Reach a total punch count of 240,000 HITs
  50. Dazzling Superstar: Achieve a perfect score 150 times
  51. Omni-weight puncher Lv 5: Reach a total punch count of 270,000 HITS
  52. Five Month's Hard Work: Perform Daily Workouts for 150 consecutive days
  53. Glorious Superstar: Achieve a perfect score 200 times
  54. Half a year's Hard Work: Perform Daily Workouts for 180 consecutive Days
  55. Monster Weight Puncher Lv 1: Reach a Total Punch Count of 315,000 HITS
  56. Master EX Fighter: Acquire 50% of EX Achievements
  57. Seven Month's Hard Work: Perform Daily workouts for 210 consecutive days
  58. Eight Month's Hard Work: Perform Daily Workouts for 240 consecutive Days
  59. Karen's Fashion Flop: Give Karen an  outfit she dislikes 5 times or more
  60. Sophie's Fashion Flop: Give Sophie an outfit she dislikes 5 times or more
  61. Laura's Fashion Flop: Give Laura an outfit she dislikes 5 times or more
  62. Martina's Fashion Flop: Give Martina an outfit she dislikes 5 times or more
  63. Bernardo's Fashion Flip: Give Bernardo an outfit he dislikes 5 times ore more
  64. Evan's Fashion Flop: Give Evan an outfit he dislikes 5 times or more

Had an order of shirts from BioWare related to Mass Effect finally arrive, we'll do an unboxing as apart of tonight's stream. Also arriving in the mail is a physical copy of Life is Strange, so now we have all three games in the collection, unfortunately, while this was a new copy, the factory seal plastic was damaged, so it's more of a complete in box copy.

For tonight's stream we'll be doing a feature on the three South Park games from the PlayStation One era, which means South Park, South Park Rally & South Park Chef's Luv Shack are on deck.This could be a lot of fun or this can go horribly wrong... but maybe this will be a stream bigger than Cartman's fat ass! HA! Anyway I believe we'll use the PS3 to play these games, which means trusting it's rather iffy disc drive.

Anyway we'll see you tonight over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)