Thursday, January 18, 2024

Smite and other notes

Tonight we had to call an audible, as Iceman couldn't join us, but we played Smite and were joined by Striker for several matches, which was a lot of fun! Played as Terra, Athena, Nike and Bellona an d we won a couple of matches and lost a few. Had one match as Terra where I had no eliminations and no deaths, but ended up with twenty-seven assists, which was awesome.

Sea of Thieves should be back next Wednesday, but it's always up in the air.

Tomorrow night we're starting up South Park: The Fractured But Whole, which should be a lot of fun in a continuation of the South Park Saga.

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal as they were playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Work got cancelled today due to technical issues with the assignment we were working on, but it should be good to go tomorrow.

Knocked out a Spider-Man related commission which ended up being nearly 4000 words, and turned out pretty decent I think. Next on the docket is another Dragon Ball commission which doesn't exactly have much going for it in terms of being interesting, as its a continuation of an earlier story involving Panchy, but we'll see what we can do with it.

Continued my Red Dwarf watch through (when I was having lunch and before the stream since I had that extra time tonight) and I totally forgot The Cat turned into Duane Dibbley a second time thanks to the Emohawk.

And on that note, good night!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)