Saturday, March 12, 2022

So about the Ann being a decoy scene in Persona 5

Good afternoon everyone,

Yeah I'm not even going to pretend stepping around this, as I remember an episode of Outside Xbox where Luke talked about this particular scene in Persona 5. So the story progress saw us discover the next big bad of the game, an artist named Madarame, who actually plagiarizes the art of those he has taken under his wing... and part of the investigation involves Yusuke, his last pupil who is apparently blind to his master's actions. Now Yusuke happens to get a look at Ann and wants to paint her... in the buff as it were.

Yes I am aware of the ages of the characters in Persona 5... and I know Japan has a much different approach to things than the United States, but for fuck sakes the entire scene where he declares his intentions was just cringe worthy. Now I get it, it sets up a bit of comedy with Ann being a decoy and allows for a way to get Yusuke into the Metaverse to unlock his Persona so he becomes the 5th member of the team... but c'mon man, that entire portion was just... nutty. Particularly when afterward, you can tell Yusuke 'no nude paintings' and he says he still intends to paint Ann in the buff.

It also doesn't help that Yusuke has a voice deeper than a good portion of the male characters seen so far in the game.

So outside of that, I do feel like I screwed up a few things, as I took a trip into Mementos long before I should have  which threw off the pacing of a few things, but since I'm not playing for 100% completion just to make sure I'm ahead of the curve on things, But this did mean I didn't get any trophies unlocked because of it... oh well.

I should be fine as long as I remember what things I neglected to do. The Museum Palace itself has a nice layout too it and seems far less intimidating than the Castle Palace with its layout. Still if all goes to plan next Friday's Persona 5 stream will see a nice even split of mostly story and palace stuff next week if all goes right.

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Well that was my reaction to that scene 
  2. Give me the power
  3. Yusuke is real quick on the uptake... 

For last night's raid we dropped in on Flint_locke who was doing some VRChat over at!  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #2, Left-Right Step Combo and Advanced Combo #2! Beyond the daily, I've set a new personal best for Difficult Challenge Combo #2 on No Mercy Difficulty 894 Perfect Action + 1 Okay Action out of a possible 896 Actions

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise Stats For 36 to 3/12/2022

  • Punches Thrown: 12,803
  • Estimated Calorie Burn 5255.98 kcal
  • 17 out of 30 hours trained for Evan's Contender

We're expecting below freezing temperatures today and snow... keep in mind this is the middle of March, but also keep in mind that I have seen snow as late as April here in South Jersey.

My current Xbox achievement streak is up to a solid 30 days as we once again did the exploit with the SNK 40th Anniversary Collection, then put in the level up grind in Ugly Americans which resulted in getting the kill count achievements for Manbirds and Demons. I haven't played any additional levels that are not DLC related yet, so next time we feature it on stream, it will resume with stage 5... but with characters leveled up quite a bit. I got Callie up to level 60 and boy does it have a bit of lag to it.

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection Achievements

  • The Warrior Within: Beat the Arcade version of Ikari Warriors.
  • Showed Some Guts: Beat the Arcade version of Victory Road.

Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon Achievements

  • Put Your Cheeks Into It!: Kill 1000 Manbirds.
  • No Loitering!: Kill 5000 Demons.

We've officially added Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha for the PlayStation to the collection, I may have had a copy 20 years ago, but I don't fully recall. Still it will be interesting to show case it at some point!

For tonight's stream, I'm not 100% sure yet what we're going to do, but we'll be up to something or other!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!