Friday, January 21, 2022

Life of Fly Is A Nice Little Experience

Good morning everyone,

It's Friday! Yay!

Last night's stream featured three games, the main feature was Life of Fly... which lasted all of an hour. It's basically a simulator where you fly as a fly from point to point, hearing its thoughts on various topics related to different things. It's a really short game, and if you're looking for games to 100% complete easily, it's the perfect game to grab when it's on sale. Other notes are that is has an awesome musical score and the stories told by the fly in each chapter are rather clever.

And apparently there is a sequel to Life of Fly as well... might have to look into that!

Played some Dead or Alive 5: Last Round on stream, and the last time it was featured was probably back at the start of 2019 when I was doing the story mode of the Steam Version. So doing the story mode on the X-Box version seems like a good idea for something this year. Had a couple of matches against other people that did not go well at all. On the plus side, since I was messing around with Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore last week, some of the stuff I realized that work with Tina in that sure enough still worked in this.

We actually broke out Paladins for the third game, and boy do I remember why I stopped playing it full time once I got into Overwatch. The balancing of some of the characters just doesn't make any damn sense. The things that do bother me more than anything when it comes to Paladins is how, like Smite, it it is designed to screw over players if someone on a team leaves for some reason. On the plus side we were joined by Reaper for several matches.

Big thanks to Sw33ts_Gaming for choosing to re-subscribe to my Twitch channel for the 33rd straight month!

For the raid last night we sent the fun over to sw33ts_gaming who was also playing Paladins over at! And I even joined in on a few matches as well.

Life of Fly Achievements

  • The 1st Fly: Finish the story of the first Fly
  • The 2nd Fly: Finish the story of the second fly
  • The 3rd Fly: Finish the story of the third fly
  • The 4th Fly: Finish the story of the forth fly
  • The 5th Fly: Finish the story of the 5th fly
  • The 6th Fly: Finish the story of the 6th fly
  • The 7th Fly: Finish the story of the 7th fly
  • The 8th Fly: Finish the story of the 8th fly
  • The 9th Fly: Finish the story of the 9th fly
  • The 10th Fly: Finish the story of the 10th fly
  • The 11th Fly: Finish the story of the 11th fly
  • The 12th Fly: Finish the story of the 12th fly

Twitch Clip Links

  1. And we're going to crash into the window...
  2. That's an Explosive Finish! 
  3. Unstoppable!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout featured Hip Shape Focus Combo, Sway Back Combo and Straight Combo #2 for 31 minutes and an estimate calorie burn of 472 kcal.

Taxes were filed and the payment of money owed to the IRS was scheduled... fucking bastards. You know, I am fully aware that that many folks, particularly parents who got assistance during the pandemic are going to get hit hard, makes me wonder why steps to protect folks from this nonsense wasn't taken since the same thing basically happened to millions of people last year. 

Meat Loaf and Louie Anderson both passed away. I clearly associate Meat Loaf with a few of his big songs, like Bat out of Hell and I'll Do Anything For Love, but also the Rocky Horror Picture Show. With Anderson, I associate a cartoon that aired on Fox Kids back in the early 90s called Life with Louie... which spawned the 'My Head Looks Like A Tomato' line.

For tonight's stream we will be playing Kingdom Hearts III, as we'll be heading to the world that I believe ties in with the movie Tangled... which I have never seen

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)