Thursday, December 16, 2021

More Forced Jumps And Gears Warred

Good morning everyone,

The grind for glory is real, but some times it's about the journey and not the destination... right?

Last night's stream lead off with Jump Force as my quests to grind out various achievements added another one to the list of things I accomplished in that game, so at this point the biggest challenge is going to be mostly focused on getting S Ranked on Free Missions on the Hard, Very Hard and Expert Difficulties. We did clear the complete 100 missions achievement

Around the half way point of the stream, the fun switched over to Gears of War 4, where Iceman joined in so that we could finish the Co-Op campaign, something that turned out to be a very rare accomplishment. It was certainly a lot more fun with a friend than my original play-through when it came to knowing someone had my back. 

The fifth Act of Gears 4 did strike a cord with me in regard to just how bland a main character JD is, and since I am aware that Kait becomes the lead in Gears 5, that's probably for the best considering its her lineage that is at the heart of the story.

Iceman and I also messed around with the horde mode, clearing 9 waves before we got overwhelmed by the enemies. Managed to some achievements out of it, and much like the other Gears of War games, it does give some heavy consideration to revisit them... for things other than just getting the collectables.! 

Following the stream we sent the fun over to PradoxGamerAU who was playing Final Fantasy XIV over on!

Jump Force Achievements

  1. Prospectus: Cleared 100 or more different Free Missions.

Gears of War 4 Achievements

  1. The Sound Of Silence: Carried the Customized Lancer Marcus gave you to the end of Act V Chapter 2
  2. Brothers Till The End: Completed all Campaign Acts in Co-op (any difficulty)
  3. Level Up! : Reached level 2 in one Horde class
  4. Ribbonator: Earned 5 Ribbons
  5. Level 10: Reached level 10
  6. Level 5: Reached Level 5
  7. Level 15: Reached Level 15

Twitch Clip Links

Now I know I didn't post the usual screen shots of the results of yesterday's Fitness Boxing 2 session, it was because i had the Twitch graphic to show. And I like to only use about 4 images at most in a blog post. That said, today's daily work out session featured Intermediate Combo #2, Advanced Combo #1 and Weaving Combo #1 for a duration of 31 minutes and a estimated calorie burn of 493 kcal.

I'm pleased that the DC character known as Powerhouse is getting their own series on the CW, titled 'Namoi'. The reason being is that Powerhouse is not a forced re-work, change for the sake of change legacy character (Example The Flash's Iris West-Allen & Wally West)... Powerhouse was created in 2018, and in that span of time was able to garner enough credibility with the comic book reading audience to give the character a bigger platform. 

My Final Fantasy XIV adventures saw a lot of time spent with the dwarfs and seeing the whole point of the Lali-Ho greeting. There are some little comedic moments sprinkled around the featured side quests. The main story plot was advanced up to That None Shall Ever Again, and there is the theme of uniting the entire world of the First, which kind of is a smaller version of basically a condensed version of everything done with Eorzea in uniting various city states to face the empire. 

Messed around a little with Pac-Man Championship Edition 2... I forgot how overly complicated the ghost trains can get in it when it comes to the score attack mode.  

Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Achievements

  1. SCORE ATTACK > EXTREME 3: Obtain Rank A or higher in SCORE ATTACK > EXTREME.

Every time Bret 'Hitman' Hart is interviewed about his career, the most delusional he becomes. Hey, I was big fan of the guy, but his recent claims that he inspired every Canadian wrestler is pretty damn silly. 

Found out my younger brother and his family caught Covid, hopefully they have a quick recovery.

For tonight's stream I'm not completely sure yet of what we're going to feature, I have a couple of ideas, but we'll see what shakes out!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!