Sunday, June 18, 2023

Just Being An Ace Attorney

Hi everyone,

Just finished tonight's stream at about 12:30 AM, featuring Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, and yes I again made the mistake of choosing to read all the dialog out loud, and with a stream that went over six hours. It still strikes me as odd that Capcom didn't do voice work for visual novel at least for major scenes, but oh well. I did try to give distinct voices for certain characters... but that didn't last too long.

Still it was great in seeing how much was established in the tutorial case as well as the second case to build up the world of Phoenix Wright, such as Mia being killed off and the introduction of her sister Maya and her spirit medium powers, along with various reoccurring characters like Edgeworth and Larry

Now we got through two cases during the stream and the majority of the 3rd case (with the Steel Samuari) but with the stream going on so long, I decided to hold off on finishing it for next Saturday, to play it along with the forth case. I also forgot how long the cases get, and if I remember right, the 5th case in the first game can be incredibly long.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy Achievements

  • First Steps: Start playing PW: AA Trilogy.
  • The First Turnabout: Clear Ep. 1 of PW: AA.
  • Turnabout Sisters: Clear Ep. 2 of PW: AA.

For the raid we dropped in on sakuramurayama who was also playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy over at

Did try to reach out to my cousin Frances to see how she was doing and to arrange when she'd be able to come over to join in on some fun and games, unfortunately, I called at bad time. I will make that happen sooner or later!

Picked up all three massive deluxe volumes for Hellsing, finally having the manga in its complete form. However some of the translation is different from the paperback manga I've acquired years ago. Does make for presenting artwork easy on stream when holding a volume up to the camera!

Had a Hawaiian pizza for dinner because I wasn't in the mood to 'cook'. Limiting takeout does serve as a nice alternate to the stuff I'm making to eat throughout the week.

The plan for Sunday's stream is Overwatch 2, as we'll do Quick Play matches and work on the season 5 battle pass!

So on that note we'll see you about 7 PM Eastern over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)