Saturday, July 9, 2022

Thoughts on The Sapporo Arc Of Persona 5 Strikers

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Persona 5 strikers had a few rough instances, and it really does seem like slight issues with network encoding, but the stream didn't go down fully, it just hanged for a bit. 

As for the game play, well we tackled a large chunk of the Master Arts stuff, getting Makoto, Sophie and Haru's completed, and have 3/4s of Morgana's progress done, so that will leave just Ryuji and Zenkichi to tackle. Good news is that we have plenty of jails / palaces left to make that more than doable.

Now as far as the Sapporo Jail itself goes, I rather liked the Snow Palace design for it, as it did result in some grad moments in terms of the dialog, and with it being a Haru focused part of the story that meann't a lot of enemies weak to psychic attacks (as well as Wind, Curse and Bless attacks). In many regards this was the equivilant of Futaba's story from Persona 5 Royal, giving Haru some much needed character growth because she was introduced so late in the prior game. I did find the big reveal of the Monarch's design to be one hell of surprise in terms of how it looked, as they really went all out for the 'Gluttony' aspect. 

I also enjoyed the big reveal of Zenkichi's daughter, who I already know is going to play a major part in the story, not just because of spoilers I've seen but based on the fact she's a huge fan of the Phantom Thieves and huge part of the time skip from Sapporo to Okinawa involves the gang hanging out with her.

On a side note: For the Ferris Wheel part, we took Makoto, which serves as a great follow up to the romance story featured during my Persona 5 Royal play through.

Persona 5 Strikers Trophies

  • Fist of Justice: Obtained all Master Arts for Queen.
  • Item Sweeper: Obtained a total 200 items from the Jails.
  • Technological Marvel: Obtained all Master Arts for Sophie.
  • Sophisticated Lady: Obtained all Master Arts for Noir.
  • Cage of Gluttony Torched: Completed the Sapporo Jail.
  • Best Friend: Maxed out a BOND skill level.

Twitch Clips

During the stream we got a huge raid from Hawleigh who was playing Afterparty over at!

For the raid we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing Fortnite over at!   

Work was surprisingly light yesterday, as bad programming down the assignment everyone was supposed to be on.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Hip Shape Focus Combo, Straight Combo #2 and Intermediate Combo #2 for 28 minutes.

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise Stats For July 3 to 9, 2022

  • Punches Thrown: 8156
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 3337.93 kcal
  • Bernardo's Champion Progress: 76% (38/50 Hours)
  • King EX Fighter Progress: 94%

My fantasy baseball team is actually having a good week considering how it looked like it would've been lucky to break even.  

I continue to mess around with Dr. Mario... I can normally get three stages in before things get too complex for me.

Got the intro portion done for the Commissioned Fic based on Miles Morales as Spider-Man I mentioned yesterday. Did require having to get a digital copy of a comic during a key moment in that character's history to try and get some proper context on a few things. Now I just need to write the meat of the story.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:

For tonight's stream I'm thinking of hooking up one of my older consoles to do some retro gaming. We'll see if I actually stick to that idea...

Anyway we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)