Thursday, September 16, 2021

Sakura Beats Bison Before The Third Gears Of War


Good morning everybody,

Well last night's stream started late due to work because of some issues beyond my control, hopefully that will not be the case tonight, Anyway, last night's stream was split between Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Gears of War 3, an odd combination for sure, but keep in mind, Gears of War 3 has been something on the agenda for quite some time, and it was high time we got to it! 

Anyway, first, Street Fighter Alpha 3... on it's default settings is complete horse shit in terms of its difficulty when it comes to input reading. Now we were using the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection version, which means the default difficultly is for making sure quarters are eaten up as much as possible, but there is no reason as to why the 2nd person you face in the game should be as hard as M. Bison who is notorious as one of the most difficult end game bosses in fighting game history.We went through the arcade ladder with Sakura because of course I'm going to do with her, she's my main for a reason. We made our way through it pretty gradually, so as the difficulty gradually rose with each fight I was getting a better idea of how the game responds. Which was to have Ryu (the 9th opponent, and 2nd related to Sakura's 'story' for Alpha 3) stomp my ass... of course we went for a rematch got past Ryu and then it was time to face M. Bison.

Now here's the thing with facing M.Bison in Alpha 3 in the arcade, when you reach him you have to beat him, if you lose, credits roll, it's game over. So beating him on any difficulty setting is a small feat in itself, because of how over powered he is. Hell, the psycho crusher the game uses when facing Bison at the end FILLS THE ENTIRE SCREEN, meaning you can't dodge it, you have to block it and it does  insane chip damage. And since I rely more on short combs, diving heavy kicks and sweeps... I couldn't believe it when I beat him. Which meant I got an achievement for beating Alpha 3, and folks can get it for or just reaching Bison and losing, so of the 3% of people who have beating Alpha 3, I wonder how many actually beat Bison.

Now that said, we stuck around with Street Fighter Alpha 3 till 9:30 PM, nearly doing another successful arcade run with Ken, and getting into some online head to head matches where I got stomped on, before switching things over to Gears of War 3.

Gears of War 3 has been a long time coming, as I've played Gears of War 4 solo as one of the first Xbox games I streamed last year, and thanks to Iceman, I was given Gears of War 1, 2, 3 and Judgement. We've played the first two games last year, but with all the focus on Tom Clancy's The Division and The Division 2 and with my schedule being more focused on working afternoons this year, finding the right time to play Gears of War 3 was tough. But it's been a year since Iceman and I played Gears of War 2.

So what did we cover, well, it the entire first Act, and outside of two collectables in the prologue, we managed to find every other one. Something I notices is how good Gears of War 3 looks, as it holds up quite nicely, it could pass as a low-end Xbox One game with how it looks. The aiming mechanics are great, and the new types of enemies certainly are less up close and personal than those of the first two games in the series. I certainly enjoy that in the first Act, we weren't locked into playing as Marcus and Dom, but we got to play as Cole and Baird, as well as see other other squad mates. Not to mention we were able to see the story from two different points of view which was really cool.

Now how will we fit Gears of War 3 in, well the way I figure we'll work around Iceman's schedule, doing split streams with one game at the start before switching to Gears of War 3 when he's available. We might keep it locked in on Wednesdays, but we could possibly put it on other nights as well.

After the stream, the fun was sent over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV Online! You can check out Kal's streams over at

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Achievements

  1. X Marks the Spot: Beat Street Fighter Alpha 3.

Gears of War 3 Achievements

  1. Level 10: Reached level 10.
  2. Level 5: Reached level 5.
  3. Marcus, It's Your Father: Woke up from a bad dream.
  4. Swimmin' in Glowie Gravy: Defended the Raven's Nest from Lambent Leviathan.
  5. Collector: Recovered 5 of 42 Collectibles.
  6. We Struck Gold, Son!: Found food and ammo in Hanover.
  7. My Turf! Cougars Territory!: Defended and escaped from Cougar Stadium.
  8. Putting it Scientifically…: Blew up the Lambent Leviathan from the bridge.

Twitch Clip Links 

 Off stream shenanigans, I loaded The Wolf Among Us back up yesterday to go after the the other achievements within the game in order to have 100% completion... and since they are tied to different choices Bigby can make, I'm glad I went with the ones I did on stream, as the ones I had to do asuch as ripping off Gren's arm, beating up the suspect and burning Aunty Greenleaf's tree certainly isn't the Bigby Wolf we featured during the stream as a guy trying to d a tough job as best he can. Anyway, since these decisions involved doing things that would change the flow of the story, I did them in reverse order by copying the save and started with Episode 5 and worked my way back to Episode 1, by going to the right chapter in each episode to reach key moments. I could've have done it on stream if I knew it was possible before hand.

The Wolf Among Us Achievements

  1. Grand Master Librarian: Unlocked all Book of Fables entries in Episode 5.
  2. Master Librarian: Unlocked all Book of Fables entries in Episode 4.
  3. Journeyman Librarian: Unlocked all Book of Fables entries in Episode 3.
  4. Apprentice Librarian: Unlocked all Book of Fables entries in Episode 2.
  5. Novice Librarian: Unlocked all Book of Fables entries in Episode 1.

I've become aware that there was a short run comic series based on the Wolf Among Us game, and since the game is a prequel to the Fable comic book series, I figure tracking down the trade collections would be a nice what is considered to be the 'true version' of events.... and maybe to get a better idea of how to use Bloody Mary in a fan fic idea I have.

Overwatch Competitive Season 30 Match Results

  1. - Blizzard World - 18:34 - Loss - 3-4
  2. - Oasis - 7:28 - Win - 2-0
  3. - Ilios - 15:03 - Win - 2-1

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 28 minutes, with the following exercises: Body Uppercut Combo, Uppercut Combo #2 and Body Hook Combo. The estimated calorie burn was 388 kcal, which seems really low considering the combination of exercises for today and my results. Oh well.

For tonight's stream we will be playing Star Trek Online and featuring the new mission 'Firewall' and other new content that was added as part of the new season 'Reflections', which kicks off the next major story arc of Star Trek Online. It does feature the mirror universe, so who knows how things are going to end up being over the coming year.

So on that nore we'll see you this evening over on!