Monday, May 1, 2023

Dragon Bal Super Hero: Super Hero Is Just Meh...

Good morning everyone,

Finally got around to watching Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, and considering all the praise it's got, I was rather underwhelmed, mostly because the pacing was just not good. The extended sequence on Beerus' planet as justification to make sure Goku and Vegeta were shown really took away quite a bit of screen time that could've been used towards furthering Gohan's character arc actually being worth pay off of him going into that transformation he got. The real bright spots of the film are of course Piccolo, Pan, Dr. Hedo and the Gammas, and the over overall visuals were impressive.

That all said, I am curious on if the Manga version will fix the pacing problems, and if I was in a better position, I would be interested in checking it out to see the story fleshed out more. Oh well. 

Also what the hell was up with Beerus apparently having an interest in Cheelai. As someone who does some light fan fic writing, as a shipping pairing, Beerus & Cheelai makes zero sense.

Yesterday I made a mistake, or rather the previous night, I forgot to defrost what I wanted for dinner last night, so I had to order our. Ended up getting a Baconator from Wendy's... and that was a damn good burger.

Last night's stream of Overwatch 2 was real rough, a lot more losses than wins, with random teammates making questionable choices from the very start of the night. Still we had fun, big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun. I picked up one last Play of the Game for April as Orissa, other characters used were Junker Queen, Ana, Moira, Reinhardt, Wrecking Ball, Tracer, Bastion and a few others.

Even picked up another achievement during the stream, and it says a lot of my confidence playing as Tracer in matches where I'm mostly facing PC players via cross play. And with that achievement, I now have 55% of the currently obtainable achievements in the game on the Xbox side of things!

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Total Recall: Recover 400 health using Tracer's Recall without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.

For the raid we dropped in on FelKimChi while they were playing World of Warcraft over on

The plan for tonight's stream is to start up Persona 3 Portable, I've found a decent guide which should allow for us to have a very complete and long play through. 

Finished the WWE Short Story commission, which turned out okay at about 2100 words. Picked up another commission request for another Mass Effect tale.

Had a weird DNS issue yesterday that totally freaked me out, sometimes one must simply turn things off and on again it seems.

The job hunt continues to go poorly as I hope for work to pick back up with my current job. Taking a short at applying for a job at Cooper Hospital again.

And on that note we'll see you later over on