Thursday, September 2, 2021

#ADayOffTwitch, Discord Streams And Other High-Jinks

Good morning everybody,

So we did not do a stream on Twitch last night because of the #ADayOffTwitch campaign, and I figured why not go through the tool that Twitch provides to make folks aware of how they can secure their channel chat rooms. I learned about these tools last year when I had a few runs ins with knuckleheads back during a weekend that involved Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Twitch Sings. 

So first here's what you do to find these tools: Go to your Dashboard, then settings and then moderation. From there you can see a number of tools to help secure your chat. 

First is AutoMod Rulesets, which Automatically hold risky messages for Moderators to review.  You can set this up to provide a variety strength of filters from Less to Some to More to Maximum on a variety of different things such as.

  • Hostility
    • Aggression (Threatening, inciting or promoting violence or harm) 
    • Bullying (Name-calling, insults and antagonization),
  • Discrimination & Slurs
    • Disability: Demonstrating hatred and prejudice based on perceived or actual mental or physical abilities
    • Sexuality, sex or gender: Demonstrating hatred and prejudice based on sexual identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression
    • Misogyny: Demonstrating hatred and prejudice against women, including sexual objectification
    • Race, ethnicity or religion: Demonstrating hatred and prejudice based on race, ethnicity or religion
  • Sexual Content
    • Sex-based terms (sexual acts, anatomy)
  • Profanity
    • Swearing (Swear words)

Personality, I have the maximum filtering setting set on everything related to to Hostility, Discrimination & Slurs and Sexual Content, and only some filtering when it comes to Swearing, because I don't really have an issue with people swearing in my chat since it rarely if ever happens. So basically I have a chance to review anything and everything that comes through that gets caught by the filters, thus giving me an opportunity to deny something from being posted or to allow it.

Next, we have Blocked Terms and phrases, which are is a list of terms anyone can set so that messages containing those terms or phrases will be blocked from the chat. The list is automatically added when a mod denies a caught message in the filters, but you can manually add terms to it if, thus if you notice something being spammed as part of a hate raid, you can added those terms and phrase to the Blocked Terms and Phrases list to protect your chat in advance

Now, there is also Permitted terms and phrases, which if messages contain these terms, and no other blocked terms, will not be caught by AutoMod . So say you have the Profanity filter set to 'More Filtering', but you're cool with the term fuck being said in the chat, you can added that word to the Permitted terms and phrases list and as long as it's not used in combination with anything else that could be flagged, it will appear in the chat.

Next we'll look at Chat Options, and the first is Block Hyperlinks which automatically deletes posted URLS except those posted by the streamer, moderators, admins and VIPs, then their is Non-Mod Chat Delay, which can be set up to six-seconds, which adds a short delay before any non-mods sees messages, so again a preventive strike can be made to time out or ban someone who breaks your channel's rules.

Moving on, to Channel Privileges, and and Email Verification. If this is turned on, anyone that would like to send a message to your chat room must first verify their email address. This cuts down on bots spamming the chat, and thus you know that anyone who causes trouble in your chat has had their account verified.

Chat Rules is where you can set your own rules for your channel and first time viewers of your channel must agree to those rules before saying anything. Here is what mine say, .

 Welcome, all are welcome here however, I do have my rules, they are simple and basic

- English only
- Respect the moderators, the other viewers and the streamer
- No links in chat unless approved by myself
- No harassing the mods, the other viewers or the streamer
- No trolling the mods, the other viewers or the streamer
- Be aware there is a time and place for discussion of social and political issues, my channel / chat is does not fit either of those criteria.
- No Follow For Follow Requests

If you prove yourself to be a problem, you will be banned.

It's straight to the point on the conduct that is not allowed on my channel. Most people get the message straight away.

Followers-Only Mode, if  enabled, viewers must follow you for a specific amount of time from  10 minutes to 3 months before they can say anything. You can only set it to allow any follower to chant instantly. Also there is the even more strict Subscriber-only Chat only allows those who are subscribers and moderators to chat

So hopefully this break down makes it easier for folks to get use to what tools they have to make use of to secure their chats.

And Now The Usual Stuff

Found a copy of Chaos Legion for the PlayStation 2 hidden with some DVDs, which does make me wonder whatever happened to my copy of Legends of Wrestling... I may have traded it in, but I'm almost positive I didn't. Maybe it accidentally got junked!

Sat down and watched the 2-Part Top Gear Africa Special, where Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May took three estate cars on a journey to find the source of the Nile. This is why I don't mind The Grand Tour shifting towards doing big specials instead of doing a weekly car show. It's on the adventures when the trio really shine in my opinion.

Now just because there was no stream on Twitch, there was one in my Discord, first did six Overwatch Mayhem Matches... winning five and getting three plays of the game, all as Now Since I set OBS to have replay buffer that means I have one clip from the stream to be on the Highlight Reel for the week.

Overwatch Discord Mayhem Matches

  1. - Win - Play of The Game
  2. - Win - Play of The Game
  3. - Win
  4. - Win - Play of The Game
  5. - Loss
  6. - Win 

Unfortunately the same could not be said about some ranked matches I did last night, and both losses came at a result of no help from those who queue up to play Damage. If I'm playing and I am consistently the last one standing while having gold on Eliminations Objective Kills and Objective Time while being often in Silver or Bronze for damage dealing, then something is wrong with how other people play ranked

Overwatch Ranked Matches (Tank)

  1. - 07:28 - Win - 2-0
  2. - 26:38 - Loss - 5-6
  3. - 16:33 - Loss - 2-3


But that's not all, I then switched things over for their to be a watch along in my Discord of the movie Willow starring Val Kilmer. I can't remember the last time I watched it, but it's been a long while. Was fun to sit down and watch it. Maybe I should consider doing some 'Reaction' videos over on YouTube again. It's a thought to be considered. Amyway, big thanks to Iceman and PandaSweet for being apart of the Watch-Along.

A topic that came up during it was the strong possibility that Val Kilmer probably can't reprise his role as Madmartigan on the Disney+ series. Now that I have a thought considering the ages of three of the known cast members, probably one is the daughter of Madmartigan and Sorscha... so maybe a guest appearance by Kilmer would be do-able if that is the case.

So how did I spend my day off of streaming, well for one I put a lot spare cables and parts into a trunk to stick in the bottom of a closet, so that took a good hour to do. I went back and forth on taking down the green screen, but since it blocks those from seeing what's behind me, I figured I'd leave it up.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 513 kcal. The exercises for today were Intermediate Combo #1, Triple Combo #2 and the Biceps Shape Focus Combo. As you can see with the wrap up of Lin's Champion achievement yesterday, we have switched back to Hiro.

For tonight's stream, we'll play Life is Strange Episode 3 and maybe, Episode 4, or we'll pair up Episode 3 with some other thing. But we will be streaming tonight!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)