Monday, August 16, 2021

Today's Notes 8/16/21: More Fun With Friends

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was a lot of fun, and not just because we nearly had a full Hype Train going. We got to play with a few viewers, PandaSweet was of course apart of the fun, big thanks to here as always, as well as new friends Chief Beef and Lorespade! We stuck mostly to quick play matches, with one super long Mayhem match that took a near hour to complete! Here are the results of the matches played last night.

  1. Quick Play: Defeat - Brigitte
  2. Quick Play: Defeat - & Reinhardt 
  3. Quick Play: Victory - Moira (Back Fill)
  4. Quick Play: Defeat - Mercy 
  5. Quick Play: Victory - Moira
  6. Quick Play: Defeat - Dva 
  7. Quick Play: Victory - Moira
  8. Quick Play: Victory -
  9. Quick Play: Victory -  
  10. Quick Play: Victory - Moria
  11. Quick Play: Victory - Moira 
  12. Quick Play: Victory -
  13. Quick Play: Victory -
  14. Quick Play: Victory - Moira
  15. Quick Play: Defeat - Moira
  16. Quick Play: Victory - Moira
  17. Quick Play: Victory - Moira 
  18. Quick Play: Victory - Moira
  19. Mayhem: Victory: Mei, Reinhardt & Sombra - Sombra (match went 40+ minutes)
  20. Quick Play Classic: Defeat - & Reinhardt (Back Fill)

Now I can have fun with Overwatch solo, but there is something more fun with playing with people from the chat who've I' gotten to know over a period of time, it builds a nice sense of community, in my pokey little opinion. It's why I dedicate Sundays to Overwatch! Of course we do have clips from last night for ya'll to enjoy as well!

As far as I know, Kalenal is still without power, hopefully they'll have power restore today as they do normally stream on Mondays over on!

I saw the character trailer for Akira in Street Fighter V, and boy does she look like she will be a lot of fun to play. 

Took part in Dr Kawashima's Brain Training World Championship Competition #79 over the weekend, I placed 1688 out of 2689 for Photographic Memory overall, but in my age group of 35 to 39 I was 206 out 314. For the Connect Maze I placed 2327 out 2723 overall while in my age group I placed 255 out 296. In Calculations X 100 I placed 2297 out of 2673, and 269 out of 305 in my age group.  Lastly in Rock Paper Scissors  I placed 1246 out of 1701 while placing 150 out of 208 in my age group. There's got to be a better way to convey how I scored in this.

Today's Ftiness Boxing 2 Daily Workout lasted 31 minutes with an estimate calorie burn of 427 kcal. The exercises for today were the Body Straight Combo, Triple Combo and Uppercut Combo. We're now up to 91 out of 100 for the Karen's Best Friend achievement.

Fort tonight's stream we'll be starting the second half of Chrono Cross, we've already met Sprigg and are picking things up to where we would recruit Harle and begin the journey to get Serge his body back, since he's now Lynx! We'll get started in the early evening!

Have a great day as we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)