Sunday, August 8, 2021

Today's Notes 8/8/21: A Night In Saffron City

Good afternoon everybody, 

Last night's stream saw us focusing back on Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, not so much in terms of capturing Pokemon but a long series of battles, as we spent mostly the entire stream in Saffron City, dealing with the Team Rocket as Sliph Co, which was a real chore to get through. Thankfully I did not deal with the teleport pads first, instead worked my way up through each floor one by one until I reached floor 11, which made trying to find my way to the board room a lot easier to deal with once all of Team Rocket's grunts were defeated. Also made sure to collect all the items once I found the key card, which really helped as things progressed.

After Giovanni was defeated, my attention turned to the Saffron City Gym, which meant taking on Sabrina and her cronies who all use psychic Pokemon. The only advantage I had is that Eevee was in the upper 40s and everyone else was mid 40s so they could take a few hits and deal some big blows if things rolled my way. The real big concern was how psychic Pokemon can put my team to sleep, but we were able to brute force our way through to grab our 5th badge.

We closed out the stream by going through Routes 12 and 13 to begin making our way to Fuchsia City, saving when we reached Route 14. We did wake the sleeping Snorlax, and it surprised me we had a classic 'Wild Pokemon Appears' battle to deal with which was really nice to see! Anyway we got quite a few battles heading into the next gym, and then probably next's Saturday's stream will see us go back up to Celadon City, since there is an entire route to explore west from Fuchsia City. 

Here are a list of clips from last night for you to check out!

It's Sunday which means we have a highlight reel of everything from this past week, which includes  Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise, Overwatch, Chrono Cross, Smite, Tom Clancy's The Division, Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age Of Heroes, Star Trek Online, Omno, Forza Horizon 4 and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, plus a couple of Just Chatting Segments!.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout was streamed on Twitch, and the actual exercise time was 31 minutes, as we did Weaving Combo #2, Straight Combo #1 and Beginner Combo #2. Estimated calories burned was 499. We are now up to 71 out of 100 for the Karen's Best Friend achievement. Since this was a streamed session we do have clips.

For tonight's stream, of course we're playing Overwatch to kick off the week. I don't think we'll have Mayhem as an option this week because of the Summer Event it meant that order of daily options in Arcade Mode got swapped around 

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)