Sunday, February 26, 2023

Elder Scrolls Online A Learning Experience

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Elder Scrolls Online was an experience, the first being that my old Bethesda Account apparently would not link with my Xbox account, so I had to create a new one. Once we got into the game it was amazing how kind of pick up and play is with the tutorial... as one of my biggest concerns was trying to grasp how a PC MMO would work on console with a whole lot fewer buttons to work with... and it works fine.

Now I do feel it is a lot like Fallout 76 in many ways, with the limits on how much you can carry, but is par for the course I believe. As a replacement for Final Fantasy XIV, it works fine, and as long as I have someone to team up with, it'll be pretty entertaining as I'm kind of going for an ambush style of game play because that seemed the most simple. Oh... and I went with an Wood Elf that uses daggers as weapons... because, why the hell not? 

On a side note, I did feel navigating to be less intuitive than Fallout 76, as the compass shows so many icons on it that it was easy for me to get lost!

As for the audio lag I keep noticing, well... I keep searching for new fixes, and I thought I resolved it before the stream, but nope! Well, here's hoping the fix I found for tonight will work

For the raid we dropped in on TracyDoll who was playing Friday the 13th: The Game over at 

Nearly finished the WWE short story commission, I was hoping to finished it yesterday afternoon, but I ended up getting distracted with a few things around the house.

Did watch Episode 1 of Star Trek Picard's third season and I'm almost tempted to subscribe to see the rest of the season as it did catch my interest.... but... nah!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Intermediate Combo #1, Triple Combo #2 and Defensive Combo #1.

Found out that Fitness Boxing: Fist of the North Star comes out digitally on March 2nd... a shame it's not getting a physical release in the United States, guess having to import the Japanese version will have to do.... which is funny because that one has the tag line "You Are Already Thin". In fact I recorded a video explaining my history with the Fitness Boxing games while trying out the Demo

"What's the best thing about Switzerland?" "I don't know, but the flag is a big plus."

Song of the Day:"Stagger Lee" by Lloyd Price

For tonight's stream, we're playing Overwatch 2, and of course I'll be using the console version, so any voice chat will be done via Discord. Though there may be a way to merge that with Xbox live. We'll might have to test that some day

So on that note we'll see you later over on

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)