Friday, August 25, 2023

The Expanse, Ghostbusters & Other Notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight featured one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to market research and that's when we have questions that have no flow or rhythm and feel disjointed. Sure I had three interviews, but I felt like I could have more if the questions felt natural!

Tonight's stream opened with episode three of The Expanse: A Telltale series, and this installment had the same problems episode one did, and that it's way too damn short. Sure big things happened during it, such as Drummer being betrayed, and the details of how people from the inner solar system view the people who live in the asteroid belt, but it barely lasted an hour. In fact I'm shocked I didn't find all the salvageable items because I was looking everywhere! I stand by what I said, there was no justification for this game to have a staggered release date.

The Expanse: A Telltale Series Achievements

  • Impossible Objects: Complete Episode 3 of The Expanse
  • Data Recoverer: Complete Episode 3 with all Data Logs

Now the plan was to play Texas Chain Saw Massacre, but when I went to play a match I saw a message that the servers were having issues. 

So instead we played Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, we got in several matches, winning a few as Ghostbuster and nearly winning one as a ghost. There was certainly a lot of wildness happening when I ran into a super skilled ghost player.

Big thank you to x9abenonymous9x and YourDadPlaying for the raids and sharing their communities with me!

For the raid we went over to show was playing Hunt: Showdown 

Finished the Halo short story commission request fairly easily, thanks in large part to the Halo fan community doing an excellent job in having transcripts of all the major dialog points in Halo: Infinite. And of course, I got another commission request, this time to write a four story for a series based on Resident Evil. 

My next stream over on is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern time and will featured The Last of Us Part II, as we continue Abby's journey towards the Aquarium. It's going to be interesting to see how much time it takes to get through her side of the story, which in theory should be just as long as Ellie's. Of course if work is for some reason cancelled (and we hope not!), we'll start earlier.

So on that note have a good night!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)