Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Tonight's stream of Mass Effect saw a big focus on finding side missions to level up quickly (but getting out of the Mako whenever possible to fight things on the ground) along with grinding out using the biotic barriers, knocking off Warp, Barrier and Throw pretty easily (and withing a few minutes of each other). We knocked off the Geth invasion arc, making sure to give Tali the information. 

On Tuesday's stream we'll head to the Earth's Moon to deal with what is Edi's origin story first, and then get back on the grind.

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Smite

Mass Effect Achievements

  • Warp Mastery: Use biotic Warp 75 times
  • Barrier Mastery: Use biotic Barrier 75 times
  • Throw Mastery: Use biotic Throw 75 times 

Work was solid, even if some people wanted to be dicks about giving their opinions about organizations that help the disenfranchised.

Currently in the middle of writing at Batman: Arkham Origins related commission story, and I got about 13 more in the queue. Which is going to help me recover financially from paying my house taxes for February two months early 

Good night foks!