Wednesday, December 14, 2022

We'll never know how The TellTale Games Of Thrones Series Will End

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream opened up with Game of Thrones: A Telltale series, with episode 5 and 6 being played back to back. But despite all the choices I made to give it the most dismal ending possibles as far as a cliffhanger goes... we'll never know how things play out because TellTale games, well the original version of that company, went out of business. Sure it was relaunched, but they don't have the license rights to do another Game of Thrones series (hence why you cannot buy it digitally, you have to find a physical copy).

Still, I did go with choice that lead to Mira losing her head so that Asher is the lone surviving Forrester and Tutle choosing to march back to Ironrath instead of defending the North Grove. Why did I have Mira lose her head, well I was playing up her 'pride' as a Forrester.  

On a side note, the achievement for Chapter 5 in Episode 6 is glitched, and didn't pop during my play through on stream, I replayed the chapter, that didn't pop it, and I  tried the delete the save method, and that did not work to fix the bug either. Will justify another play through down the road.

Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series Achievements

  • Set Down Our Deeds: Completed Chapter 1 of Episode 5
  • Here We Stand: Completed Chapter 2 of Episode 5
  • We Light the Way: Completed Chapter 3 of Episode 5
  • We Do Not Sow: Completed Chapter 4 of Episode 5
  • As High as Honor: Completed Chapter 5 of Episode 5
  • Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken: Completed Chapter 6 of Episode 5
  • Family, Duty, Honor: Completed Chapter 7 of Episode 5
  • Grand Maester: You completed Episode 5.
  • Ours is the Fury: Completed Chapter 1 of Episode 6
  • Our Blades are Sharp: Completed Chapter 2 of Episode 6
  • Growing Strong: Completed Chapter 3 of Episode 6
  • Hear Me Roar!: Completed Chapter 4 of Episode 6
  • Winter is Coming: Completed Chapter 6 of Episode 6
  • Iron from Ice: Completed Chapter 7 of Episode 6
  • Sentinel: Complete Episode 6.

We also played some Smite, winning 2 matches and losing 1 in Arena, which was a nice surprise. Always love how folks don't know how to deal with Athena, because her basic 1-2-3 combo gets stronger as the match goes on. In fact in the match I used Athena, I had 28 assists... in a match where my team had over 30 eliminations, meaning I was involved in every elimination!

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on annietalksshow as they were playing Valorant over at

Work was surprisingly good yesterday, rather nice after last week.

Mom had a few tests done yesterday, hopefully we'll get some good news, but if anyone wants to contribute to her gofundme to cover these medical expenses, visit

With the wrapping up of Game of Thrones, we're at 59 games finished on stream for the year... so we're going to do a short game on next Tuesday's stream called Abzu to give us an even 60. This will also give me plenty of time to put together the image to celebrate this year's gaming tour.

Not a fan with how the Winter Wonderland event is set up for Overwatch 2, basically forcing folks into playing game modes that weren't too popular in previous years 

Got some writing done last night on the WWE Short story commission, would've finished writing it too if it wasn't for realizing the glitched achievements for Game of Thrones.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Defensive Combo #1, Uppercut Combo #2 and Front-Back Step Combo for 28 minutes

What concert costs only 45 cents? 50 Cent and Nickelback.

Song of the Day: Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men

For tonight's stream, we're opening with Fall Guys and then we'll play Fallout 76. It's a Falling Wednesday

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)