Friday, May 6, 2022

The weekend is here!

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV was a lot of fun, as we did a couple of big Alliance Raids, did some leveling on Lancer, Fishing, Botany and Blue Mage, and I figure I want to try and gain one level with each one of these per week for long term streaming content. After all, there are stories all over the place in Final Fantasy XIV, and doing them all takes time. Also played a lot of PVP, winning some matches and losing quite a few, but we had fun. 

Twitch Clips

For the raid last night we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x  who was playing Gears of War 2 over on

There maybe a possibility of joining x9abenonymous9x and FNDnateSavage for their run of Gears of War 3, depending on Iceman's schedule. So there might be some shuffling around of things.

Speaking of shuffling around of some things, next week we will include Star Trek Online because I believe the new content drops on May 10th. So that would interesting. We'll probably pair it up with Overwatch 2, since STO doesn't exactly has much interesting non-main story content to carry a full stream..

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Uppercut Combo #1, Intermediate Combo #2, Body Straight Combo and Weaving Combo #2. Uppercut Combo #1 was set to No Mercy difficulty, and we set a new personal best for it.

My Fantasy Baseball team is batting a combined .190 this week... talk about a crappy week for me as far as baseball goes. 

Speaking of baseball, it was great during last night's stream when LvStkr was giving me live updates on how the Phillies blew a 7-1 lead, The Mets were 0 for 330 when it came to being down by 6 runs heading into the 9th inning... the Phillies had like a 99.999995% chance of winning.. and blew it! I blame the front office for not upgrading the pitching staff, thinking the same crap from the fast few seasons will get it done in 2022.

We got one step closer to 100% completion of all achievements for Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle, as I put in a hellish grind on Murder Marathon to reach rank 100 blood lust. The leaves killing a body count of 400 in the regular levels (already at 372), plus finishing every puzzle in the final two levels (Knigthmare and Jurassic Jason), then doing the Daily Death every day for the next seven days.

Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle Achievements

  • Immortal: Reached rank 100 blood lust.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link: 

For tonight's stream, we're of course returning to Persona 5 Royal, as we'll be picking things up in late September!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)