Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Today's Notes 1/6/21

Good afternoon everybody,

Last night I marked 5 years of streaming on Twitch with a one night play through of Sam & Max hit the road, and man I love that game... as proven by the fact I'm able to quote so much of it, knowing what lines are said when and where during the course of the adventure. Big thanks to everyone who came by to help mark half a decade of being on Twitch!

Had a solid 1/2 Fitness Boxing 2 workout session, there was no lower body focus today, so it was very straight forward. I did earned a couple of new achievement the first being Super Featherweight Puncher Lv. 3 which is to reach a total punch count of 32,500 HITs and also Typhoon Hitter which is ti throw 40,000 perfect punches... which I believe it more for perfect movements including ducks, weaves, steps and blocks. Because my total across 16 Hours 22 minutes (or 26 separate but consecutive daily sessions) of Fitness Boxing 2 I have a total of 37,721 punches thrown. So HITS are more in line with my actual punch count. Also I weight in at 258 LBS recently.... so I got below 260 lbs! My current goal is to get down to 253 lbs, so I'm getting closer.

Tonight's stream will be a return to ESPN Major League Baseball as we'll continue the 2004 season with the Philadelphia Phillies, I think we'll just be doing one three-game series tonight as the stream will start at 9:30 PM EST and heaven knows I'll be distracted by the news during the course of it.

So President Trump got what he want, he got his terrorist supports to attack Washingdon DC on the day where he was going to be certified to be the loser that he is. I'll give credit to gizzard neck Mitch 'The Bitch' McConnell for saying and wanting to do the right thing, but Ted Cruz and that piece of shit no-body from Oklahoma can go hang in a ditch for encouraging what is happening at the time of this writing. Every body who has stormed the capital building should be branded as terrorists and treated as such. But let me get this right, all summer long, for protesters in the street, tear gas and rubber bullets were used who protested the deaths of several American citizens by local law enforcement, but for Trump's supporters who are performing a terrorist act. If you support this in any shape way or form, you are a traitor to this nation.

See ya later over on!

Achievements and Trophies Earned This Week

Smart Is New Smash in Marvel Rivals As Bruce Banner, land 1 KO within 3 seconds of calming down from the Hulk to Banner. Terror of the Ten R...