Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Mom's back in the hospital; The Saints Row '22 Game Isn't Bad

Good morning everyone,

First off, an update on my mom, apparently she had an appointment at MD Anderson that no one knew about, and she wasn't feeling well while over there. She was admitted to the Emergency Room at Cooper Hospital in the late morning, early afternoon. I went over to check on her in the late afternoon, but wasn't able to speak to a nurse or doctor, but mom seemed a little loopy, which I guess was from whatever medication they gave. I do know she was moved to the medical / surgical floor of the hospital, and she may have gotten an infection on top of everything else, there was an increase of white blood cells. I spoke to her this morning, and she was in a lot of pain, and according to the nurses station, they'll be doing tests and other evaluations of her today.

With everything going on, if anyone can donate to her gofundme to help, please visit: https://gofund.me/6adf8354

As for last night's stream, we started playing Saints Row, the reboot of the series released last year, and we're playing it with the licensed music turned off, which probably dings the experience, but I've done that with several other games in the series. I'm not particularly sure where exactly people said this game was bad, but then again I'm fairly early into it, only done two missions and spent a lot of time exploring and doing side quests because that's how I played other Saints Row games.

When it comes to visuals and the audio, Saints Row '22 looks and sounds great, and funny enough I managed to find a character voice that is fairly similar to Laura Bailey's performance in Saints Row The Third and Saints Row IV. There are enough customization options to tweak things to how I want them when it comes to combat and just wanting to get things done. It's clear that the flight suit is in the game because of the glide mechanics in Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell. 

If there is one draw back, it's that Saints Row '22's character creation suite seems more limited than the ones in Saints Row The Third and Saints Row IV, as I do like making the Boss look a certain way. I wonder if some things are unlockable. 

Big thanks to BangBangBang for resubscribing to my Twitch Channel for a second month! It's greatly appreciated!

For the raid, we just dropped everyone off over at Mystery Science Theater 3000, the movie that was playing was Invasion of the Neptune Men! You can check out old MST3K episodes at twitch.tv/mst3k

Saints Row Achievements

  • First F#@!ing Day: Completed First F#@!ing Day.
  • To The Nines: Opened the Style app for the first time.
  • The Side Job: Completed a Side Hustle.
  • Wet Work: Completed a job on the Wanted app.

Stream Clip Links

Despite everything that happened yesterday, I did manage to finished two Dragon Ball commission requests featuring Future Trunks. I have another commission request to work on that is still based in the world of Dragon Ball, but with the focus being on Videl.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #1, Body Straight Combo, Body & Body Uppercut Combo for 28 minutes

"Why do fathers take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing?" "In case they get a hole in one!"

Song of the Day: Fortune Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival

For tonight's stream, we shall continue Saints Row '22, I'll probably resumes exploring and doing what side stuff I come across before we dive into the next mission.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden