Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Today's Notes 5/12/21

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream featured the game Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, a indie game that came out a few years ago. As noted before, it was gifted to me by long time friend of the channel ShadowStrkr on Monday night, and since we had an open night because of the upcoming release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, we went ahead and played Brothers last night. Now here's the funny thing, I installed the game on my Xbox One the previous night, and when I went to play it during the start of last night's stream, it crashed to the desktop several times. Ended up having to uninstall it and do a power cycle to clear the cache to get it work, which is just weird!

Anyway the game itself certainly has that big epic fantasy vibe, with beautiful landscapes, giant creatures and a musical score that carries the story along. The controls took a while to get use to with the left analog stick and left trigger buttons corresponding to the older brother and the right analog stick and right trigger for the younger brother. This game is built entirely around puzzles, most of which can be solved logically. The real difficulty comes when having to move both brothers at the same time, such as in chase sequence involving an invisible Goliath of some kind. Since we played it on the Xbox One, we did unlock several achievements along the way to finishing the game.

  1. Wishing Well: You threw someone's ball down a well… Shame on you.
  2. Bunny Buddies: You made the bunnies play nice.
  3. Falling Star: Make a wish.
  4. Call of the Giants: You sounded a giant horn.
  5. Behind the Curtain: You found a secret.
  6. Turtle Soup: You helped the turtles to the sea.

Most of these achievements involved going off the main path, so another play through will be required for the remaining six (Or just chapter jumping off stream to get them)

Twitch Clip: RunrunrunrunrunRUN

Twitch Clip: Yoink!

Speaking of Mass Effect, there was this neat little thing I found yesterday to make our own 'covers', so here's mine. Those who have seen my previous runs of the Mass Effect trilogy know that these are typically the squad mates I end up using the most over the course of the games... plus you have to have Mordin for obvious reasons.

After the stream, I messed around more with Mortal Kombat 11, which is on my Xbox Series console, and since discovering the game is built around letting it play itself for farming purposes, the grind was put in for several achievements.

  1. Get Some: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Jax
  2. Deadly Encounter: Perform 15 different FATALITIES
  3. Hat Trick: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kung Lao
  4. Sacrifice: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Kotal Kahn
  5. I Want It All: Komplete the Novice, Warrior, or Champion Klassic Towers with 10 different kharacters
  6. More Power: Use 50 Konsumables
  7. No Bag Boy: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Liu Kang
  8. Family Values: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Cassie Cage
  9. Konsumed: Use 100 konsumables
  10. Kollecting Bounties: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Erron Black
  11. Thrashed: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Baraka
  12. Pound Town: Perform 2 different FATALITIES with Jacqui Briggs
  13. My Magic Shoes: Run 5 miles in the Krypt
  14. MURDER!!!: Perform 30 different FATALITIES

I am curious as to why the developers made such an exploit, but hey, it's easy achievements for me to unlock, so who am I to argue! Besides when I stream Mortal Kombat 11 it'll mostly be for the story mode.

We added two more games to the collection yesterday as well, Cobra Kai: The Katate Kid Saga Continues and Xenoblade Chronicles : Definitive Edition, both for the Nintendo Switch. They were both on sale recently at 50% for the physical versions of the games, So they made for nice pick ups.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 session was about 31 minutes and we're up to 91 points out of 100 for Bernardo's Best Friend achievement. I did have a little trouble getting some left uppercuts to register, resulting in three missed combo sequences. Weight is still hovering around the 249-250 pounds mark.

For tonight's stream we'll be back to The Division, with the focus on clearing out stuff in the next area of the map, what ever that was from the end of last Wednesday's stream. We may be joined by Iceman at some point as well, which means things could get extra silly. 

And on that note we'll see you later over on!