Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Today's Notes 7/13/21: From The Deep To The Fall

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition started with the big focus on what was originally DLC, the three-part Leviathan mission. Easily a mission that gives a lot of a back story to the Reapers and how they came to be while also justifying the Synthesis ending as being the best ending, Leviathan can be over looked in how much ground it covers if one is not paying attention. It's also a mission that gives more direct one-on-one conversation time between EDI and Shepard as they piece together clues that lead to the first two major action set pieces. 

Once Leviathan was done, things progressed to Thessia, the Asari home world, and the second encounter with Kai Leng... and me realizing I may have screwed up and that Miranda Lawson will be killed off during tomorrow's stream which will lead off with the Horizon mission. See after Priority: Citadel and the first encounter with Kai Leng the player needs to talk to Anderson about Kai Leng, read his dossier and then tell Miranda about him during a meeting... and I don't think I did that. So Miranda will not be at the Citadel Party. Anyway, the Thessia mission is pretty cool and the Legendary Edition gives it a nice face-lift in how everything looks. Of course I made sure to take Javik along just so he can bust Liara's proverbial balls about how everything she knows is wrong.

With these missions done, that means achievements were unlocked. 

  1. Under Pressure: ME3: Uncover an ancient secret
  2. Last Witness: ME3: Extract ancient technology

And of course there are clips from last night as well, which I'll post the links to next.

Twitch Clip: Hello Commander... Nothing Unusual Here...

Twitch Clip: The Harvester Has Been Dealt With

Twitch Clip: Woah... another one!

Twitch Clip: He Just Had A Bad Day

Twitch Clip: Javik, Liara... You're Useless!

Let me talk about Overwatch for a moment, because I've been noticing an usual amount of 'new accounts' popping up on the PC (no indication of cross-play), with folks using some really well defined tactics. Example, a trio of players with account levels below 20 on the first bronze time tier consisting of Zarya, Wrecking Ball and Lucio were able to devastate the team I was on, and push so far head they were practically spawn camping. I called them out on it, and they basically admitted they were cheating using the exploit that Jeff Kaplan allowed. It's no wonder he was suddenly removed.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 28 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 457. Not often we see the daily drop below 30 minutes, but the combination of exercises was two 8+ minute workouts plus one 11+ minute work out, and normally that split is the other way around. We did do a little extra (because I was interrupted by a phone call from work), so the total workout length was 35 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 560 kcal. We're now up to 63 out of 100 for the Evan's Best Friend achievement.

For tonight's stream as implied earlier, we're continuing Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition as we'll knock out the Horizon mission first, then we're back to the Citadel to hang out with everyone still alive, so it'll be a light stream. Depending on how long it takes to cover everything, we might save the actual party for Monday's stream, since all that would be left would be the assault on the Cerberus base and the war on Earth.

And on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!