Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Skullgirls 2nd Encore and other notes

Tonight's stream was dedicated to Skullgirls as we worked our way through seven story campaigns (Robo-Fortune, Beowulf, Peacock, Painwheel, Ms. Fortune, Valentine and Double) and one thing I can say for certain is that considering who linked Valentine and Painwheel are, that the later is clearly the game's true protagonist over Filia, since there is a connection between her and Painwheel as well. Now I've made the decision to keep Skullgirls in the line up for next Monday to go through the remaining six story mode characters.

Tomorrow night we're starting up Final Fantasy XIII, now the last time I played the PS3 version was back in December of 2011, so basically I am going itno it blind. But I do got a lead on an old school strategy guide which could come in handy.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on 13babybear13 who was playing Lego Star Wars; The Skywalker Saga

We did have work today, and the assignment was focused on the Special Election up in New York to replace George Santos, kind of interesting to hear what folks read, saw and heard about the two candidates.

Did a fair amount of writing today, but could not finish the commission story based on Fairy Tail. It is about 50% finish give or take.

Part of why was because I was waiting for the delivery of two backup keyboards considering the one I use was acting wonky recently. Better to be prepared.

So while I was waiting I watched most of Series 10 of Red Dwarf, and I rather like how Lister has evolved a bit as a character. Also the episode titled Lemons was fucking awesome!

Skullgirls 2nd Encore Achievements

  • Days of Future Cats: It is for your own good, BEEP BOOP MEOW.
  • Kind of an Idiot, But Not a Bad Guy: Hope you can rest in peace, big guy. Or this piece of you can, anyway.
  • Picking Up Where Marie Left Off: Bloodying mafia fools? What a hoot!
  • Command Override: Does he really think he can control her...?
  • Ms. Fortune and the Missing Fishfolk: They already took one family from her, and like hell she's going to let them do it again.
  • Deeper Into Enemy Lines: Nothing more than a pawn.
  • The Other Candidates Will Be Consumed: As she denied her purpose, they denied her continued existence.