Friday, February 16, 2024

Final Fantasy XIII and other notes

Tonight's stream of Final Fantasy XIII saw us tear through Chapter 10, which saw a lot of battles against a  nice variety of enemies, leading to a boss fight against Cid Raines... and this has to be the first time in any Final Fantasy game I've played where one has to battle Cid. Now I had to do that battle twice, as we failed on the first attempt. Also had to redo a couple of smaller battles because I was too confident. 

Still we finally made it to Gran Pulse, the open area of the game which makes up Chapter 11 so there is going to be a lot of roaming around and finding enemies to farm in order to gill out the skill trees for Lightning, Hope and Fang, while specializing Snow, Shaz and Vaniel in specific functions. Final Fantasy XIII will be back on Saturday's stream

Tomorrow's stream will feature Ghost of Tsushima, more roaming around and finding side things

For the raid we dropped in on makaybear4 who is back to streaming, and they were playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

Grabbed an order of food from Blowin Smoque, a local BBQ joint, some ribs, kale greens and potato salad... it was quite delicious. 

Knocked out the third of three consecutive WWE commission requests... and now my attention turns towards a Spider-Man related story. Going to aim for it to be 2500 to 3000 words, as the person who commissioned it gave me a terrible concept to work with.

Finished the Battlepass for Overwatch's new season and have been doing a lot of ranked matches

Also, the FN Dante Savage has formed a new band called Shooting at Ghosts, and have a new album coming out on in March called Lifelines. Their first single, "Lullaby" can be heard on YouTube at

Final Fantasy XIII Achievements

  • Loremaster: Discerned the full attributes of 100 enemies.
  • Instrument of Hope: Traveled to the world below, seeking a way to alter fate.