Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Trek, Fights and Smite

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream did not have one instances of a complete break in the action, which was good considering all three games we played involved online play!

First up was Star Trek Online, which we featured mostly for the Risa Summer event, so that meant we got to put on the swimsuit attire and do things like hover boarding, sand castle building, dance-off, and other activities. Since it is a limited-time event, it seemed like a good excuse to show-case it on a night where I didn't want to start up anything or continue things that are already in progress.

Second up, we did in deed play ranked matches using the Capcom Fighting Collection. I was pleasantly pleased with how there was little latency, as the roll-back netcode certainly worked. Now I did lose a lot more than I won, but I did manage to stay fairly competitive with only a few instances of being blown out. Some of the came played against other players were Super Puzzle Fighter II, Gem Fighter, Hyper Street Fighter II and Darkstalkers.

Lastly, we loaded up Smite to close out the night, playing five arena matches using Athena, Ganesha, Nu Wa, Cupid to knock out a lot of the weekly quests. I played as Nu Wa twice as I finally got her second character related achievement called Clay Explosion, which involved some good timing and luck to execute. We were joined by LvStkr for several matches, which was awesome.

SMITE Achievements

  • Clay Explosion: As Nu Wa deliver the killing blow by exploding Clay soldiers with Shining Metal.

Twitch Clips

Big thanks to Kalenal for the huge raid as they were playing Tunic over at twitch.tv/kalenal! Kalenal mentioned they reached the final boss, but it has multiple forms that they were not expecting, so keep an eye out for when they next play Tunic, because they might be finishing it!

Following my stream, we dropped in on Lunar_Princess who was playing Grandia HD Remaster over at twitch.tv/lunar_princess! It's been a while since I've seen them streaming, so it was real awesome to see them being all bananas about things.

Watched the Stargate SG-1 Episode 'The Broaca Divide' (Season 1, Episode 4) last night after the stream, where the team brings back a virus that starts to de-evolve everyone because of low levels of histamine. I could draw some parallels between this episode and the Star Trek Episode 'The Deadly Years', which kind of has a similar set up with the whole a virus causes a drastic transformation, but it's a pretty common trope to see through out a lot of Science-Fiction shows. Couple of things that stand out about the episode is how hot as hell Amanda Tapping is when an infected Carter goes after O'Neil, plus this was also an episode that introduced Janet Frasier as the lead medical doctor on the show in a reoccurring role for the remainder of the series.Also enjoyed how Teal'c got some stuff to do on his own, and his 'I am not Lucy' exchange with O'Neil is cute bite of comedy.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Body Hook Combo, Double Combo #2 and Weaving Combo #1 for 31 minutes

According a notice on my job's announcement feet, my holiday weekend is extended through today, well I knew about this on Friday. Still I want to at least make sure my schedule for next week is locked in.

Yes, I am disgusted that there was yet another Mass Shooting yesterday, this time during a parade. I really want to punch Ted Cruz in the mouth because it's because of people like him that allow these things to happen by not restricting the sale of weapons that should not be sold to the general public. To add to this point, at exactly 12:30 AM last night I heard gun fire... and I know it was gun fire because fire crackers and similar type items sound different

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at Xsplit.com, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link: https://amzn.to/3L8N1Yj.  

For tonight's stream, we're getting back to Persona 4 Arena, as the plan is to knock out two more story mode arcs, and clear another arcade run.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!