Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Overwatch 2's Troubled Launch

Good morning everyone

Well Overwatch 2 got off to a rough start with massive queues, disconnects and general problems but once we were able to get in we did have a lot of fun. I racked up six plays of the game as Moira, (2), Torbjorn, Brigitte and Symmetra. Big thanks to LvStrkr for being apart of matches, and we queued up as role queue, so we got to be Tanks, Damage and Support fairly evenly over the course of the matches. 

I did want to see if I could get the achievements on the Xbox side of things that I already unlocked on the PC side but had no luck logging in last night, but was able to do so this morning. Oddly enough only one achievement unlocked... proving that not everything was syncing up.

In regards to all the problems Overwatch 2 had, I do believe they all could have been prevented had the developers at Blizzard paid attention to the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker last year and actually try to make sure server capacity was up to the task, instead of waiting to the last minute and launching the 'registered phone number' fiasco that was announced at basically the last minute last week.

Oddly enough Blizzard's officials said they were experiencing a massive DDoS attack... but it was not stated on official notification feeds, but on the personal accounts of those officials. This further compounds an issue of transparency, because if they announced that was the issue then a lot of us (myself included) would have been a lot more understanding

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Decked Out: Collect 50 unlocks for a single hero.
Now because of the issues with Overwatch 2, the stream actually opened with Smite, and we got in a few matches as Nike and Aphrodite. I do love 'The Sparrow' skin on Nike and how it's basically a glorified Green Arrow reference in terms of how it looks. Never really understood how Aphrodite skill set, but i needed to play a game as a mage.

Also worked in some Paladins as well, big thanks to PandaSweet for some matches in it. Had a really good Team Death Match as Ying racking up 16 Kills pretty easily. Of course the usual issues with Paladins rear their ugly head with bad team composition.

Twitch Clips:

Big thanks to PatDes_ following their stream of SnowRunner over at!

For the raid we dropped in on PowerThumbz who was playing Fallout 76 over at!

Work positivity sucked yesterday, I don't know why the hell I keep getting saddled with this one assignment, it's not like I'm getting much progress beyond just getting possible leads other people can follow up on. I'm dreading looking at today's assignment chart. 

Song of the Day:Never Be Like You By Flume

What do you call it when one cow spies on another? A steak out!

What happens when a frog's car breaks down? It gets toad!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight Combo #2, Intermediate Combo #2 and Hip Shape Focus Combo for 28 minutes.

Many people are saying Aaron Judge is the 'true home run kind', but last I checked the single season record is 73. Aaron Judge only hit 62 home runs, and there is no way he's hitting 12 more today which is the last way of the season.

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream the plan is to play Fallout 76, and unlike last week where I roamed around for several hours, I intend to focus on quests I already have started. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!