Sunday, November 1, 2020

Today's Notes 11/1/20

Good Afternoon, 

Hope everyone had a nice Halloween, I sure as heck did with my brother bringing his family over for a bit, and of course, the Saturday Night stream was focused on Twitch Sings. We had a nice amount of Duets and Solos... but that's not all we did. At about the 10 PM hour, I switched over to try Hyrule Warriors, and I can safely say that is something that if it had online-multiplayer it would certainly be something to get streamed on a semi-reoccurring basis, but the real highlight came when on a whim I switched to Super Mario 35.... and actually managed to come in first place! It was really surreal as when it happened i couldn't quite believe it thinking something went wrong with the game itself.

Anyway this week's lineup is going to certainly have a lot of variety in it, as WWE 2K20 will return for Monday Night's stream which will be dedicated to the DLC content, with Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild being featured on Tuesday night. Wednesday we're going to dedicate to a game called Full Throttle which I believe is one of the few Lucas Arts point and click adventures I've never played. Thursday is of course Star Trek Online, but Friday will featured Twitch Sings because Saturday is N7 Day, which means I'll be starting up a run of Mass Effect, this time the Xbox 360 version, so we'll be getting achievements and things along the way to boost my gamer score.

We did start today with Fitness Boxing, more of a maintenance workout because I didn't get up until after 12 PM EST...fucking Daylight Saving Time... anyway it was a solid workout as you'll see by the results posted below. And with it being Sunday, that means Overwatch is on tap for tonight, and while I have the new Echo skin for the Halloween event, we'll be mixing in Junkenstein's Revenge with other stuff. That will start at 7 PM EST over on

Best of the Week 10/25-31/20

Here are highlights for the week of October 25 to 31, 2020, and this was a packed week as we included a whole lot of games this week... which included Overwatch, Fitness Boxing, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull, Star Trek Online, Animal Crossing New Horizon, Final Fantasy XV: Comrades, Nickelodeon Kart Racers, Paladins, Twitch Sings, Hyrule Warriors and Super Mario Bros 35!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)