Friday, January 27, 2023

My mom has passed away

Good morning everyone,

Last night a bit before midnight, my mother, Elizabeth Ortiz, passed away at 63 due to lung cancer. She was born December 3, 1959... and I would dare say she was the toughest, smartest person I've ever known. and I'm going to miss her a lot.  My brother came and got me at 1 AM and we spent several hours at  the hospital before we had  to go so they could take her to the morgue

Yesterday afternoon, I went to see her by the time I got to the hospital to visit mom, they had the iv drip already in place, so she was asleep when I got there... but she woke up, and was in and out of it... so she didn't say anything. Funny thing while I was there, the nurses came to clean her up and said earlier she didn't want to be move, but I told my mom to behave, and begrudgingly cooperated. My brother arrived around 1:30ish with his family, and I finally met his wife's mom... talk about bad circumstances. Mom did respond a bit when she was spoken too in Spanish, and smiled when she saw my brother's kids.

I did take advantage of getting some phone numbers from my mom's phone for a few family members, to try and update them on the situation... sent out text messages called a few folks... and I know my Aunt Grace and Cousin Frances will be swinging by the house later. 

The photo you see was taken Christmas day, and my mom is the middle, with the blanket... I got her that blanket for mother's day right in the middle of the Covid Pandemic, and regardless if she slept upstairs in her room, or just crashed on the couch or recliner, she always had it. It was mom's last Christmas....

The last day she was home was December 28th, she went for her 2nd day of Radiation Therapy, because she was intending to fight... but she never came back, She was was in so much pain she was admitted to the ER that afternoon. She was discharged to go to a nursing rehab facility a couple of weeks later, but last Monday the 16th, she was back in the ER and things just deteriorated from there rapidly

As for the stream last night, the new mission in Star Trek Online,The Fujiwhara Effect, brings to an end the ongoing story arc involving the Terran Empire. The ending of this mission hits me a little harder now considering everything involving the mirror versions of Wesley & Doctor Beverly Crusher. O really liked the mission as a whole but the ending just feels... different now.

We didn't stay with STO the entire time, we switched to Final Fantasy XIV after the break, and we did some raids and a few side quests. Two the raids ended up being of the Alliance variety, so those ate up a lot of time

Big thank you to lartheman88 for subscribing to my Twitch Channel using Twitch Prime

For the raid, we dropped in on Kalenal while they were also playing Final Fantasy XIV over at

Stream Clip Links

I got started on the next commission requests for a WWE / NHL crossover, and the intro gets the job done... going to have to use another 'time skip' to proceed to the heart of the story, but oh well.

At the time I'm writing this its nearly 5:30 AM... so no Fitness Boxing 2 notes for today.

"Have you heard about the chocolate record player? It sounds pretty sweet."

Song of the Day: Lay Me Down by Sam Smith ft. John Legend.

For tonight's stream the plan was to play Final Fantasy VII Remake on the PS4. As ya'll know I was not a fan of the original version of FF7... but I've seen enough people play the remake to think I might enjoy it...

So on that note we'll see you later over on but for now I'm going to bed.

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)