Monday, June 13, 2022

A New Week Begins

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was pretty fun, as we were joined by PandaSweet and a friend of theirs named Snow. I ended up with a pair of plays of the game, both as in very key moments. Also on the surprising side, I even picked up an achievement as Junkrat. Other characters I used were Reinhard, Moira & Ashe. A general observation is that there was a strong uptick in overly aggressive game play, and the queue time to play damage roles were a lot longer than normal, but there was also an issue of getting replacement tanks and support role players in some matches.

Overwatch Achievements

  • Mine Like A Steel Trap: Knock an enemy into your steel trap using Junkrat's Concussion Mine in Quick or Competitive play.

Twitch Clips

For the raid, we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing Aee Combat 7: Skies Unknown over at

Going to Overwatch 2 for a moment, based on her teaser trailer, I will not be surprised if Drace Domino will end up with a bunch of commission work based on the Junker Queen.  

I became aware of an issue with the Sports Score Bot after the stream, hopefully the people behind it will solve the issues, because it has been a really cool addition to my stream.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Weaving Combo #1, Weaving Combo #2 and Straight Combo #1 for 31 minutes.

While I have played Diablo III, I'm not 100% sold on what I saw with the Trailer of Diablo 1V, but then again, I wasn't a fan of the ending of Diablo III.But if it has the implied cross-play component then we might give it a look.

When we raided Kalenal ( on Saturday night, we got a very good recommendation for a game called Vampire Survivors which we'll feature on tonight's stream. It is a rouge-lite game where you see how long you can survive. There are different glasses of characters, and I have already given it a shot, even picking up a number of achievements for it. Currently Vampire Survivors is only available on Steam.

Vampire Survivors Achievements

  • Wings: Reach Level 5.
  • Hollow Heart: Survive 1 minute with any character.
  • Fire Wand: Destroy 20 light sources.
  • Lancet: Find an Orologion.
  • Empty Tome: Have 6 Different Weapons.
  • Candelabrador: Get Holy Water To Level 4.
  • Peachone: Survive 10 minutes with any character.
  • Crown: Reach Level 10.
  • Runetracer: Survive 5 minutes with Pasqualina.
  • Garlic: Find 5 Floor Chickens.
  • Lightning Ring: Defeat a total of 5000 enemies.
  • Magnet: Find a Vacuum.
  • Arca: Get Fire Wand to Level 4.
  • Pummarola: Survive 5 minutes with Gennaro.

Now for tonight's stream, we shall feature Vampire Survivors, even though getting OBS to capture it involves having to use Window Capture, because for whatever reason Game Capture does not work, and setting it to full screen doesn't fill up the full screen. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!