Saturday, October 9, 2021

A Night of Metroids, Plumbers, Apes and Boxers

 Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream heavily featured the original Metroid, along with three other games from the Nintendo's NES era of the 1980s.

We'll talk about Metroid first, since it was the one game I certainly wanted to feature, and I can safely say this: anyone who finished it without using any of the password / cheat codes, kudos to you, because it was a reminder as to why I normally don't stick with Metroidvania games for more than a night or two. The controls are real easy to learn, and they are responsive to the inputs of the controller (at least the emulated version of Metroid is that is available through the Nintendo Switch's Online NES collection.

My biggest issues with Metroid is there really is no clear cut indication of where to go, the seemingly  randomness of the enemy movement patterns and some of the leaps of logic one must take to figure out how to reacher new areas. Let's address the first issue first, I totally get it that Samus has to find the gear and search all over the place first for the best gear to get the job done, the issue is actually figuring out where to go as the game is set up to make one feel like they are running in circles... and certainly this had me looking for an online guide to cover that. The second issue is randomness of enemy movement patterns, there are numerous instances where the pattern of the enemies changes, making quite a few things impossible to predict, which certainly cost me some time. The final issue relates to some of the games 'puzzles', such as having to go up through a ceiling or down through a floor, there is no way to tell difference as all the textures look the same.

Thankfully I found the guides over on GameFAQs to be rather helpful, but more importantly a map which actually gave me a idea of how to get to the mini-bosses and then to Morther Brain. And I'll straight up admit, we used the NARPASSWORD password / cheat code to push through. Even with these tool it did take me over three over to get though the game. We are counting it for this years tour, which means 54 games have been finished on stream.

Now we didn't end there, we messed around with three other classic Nintendo games: Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong and Punch Out. Of the three... only Super Mario Bros I had some experience with, but that didn't show as I made numerous careless mistakes. Donkey Kong took some time to figure out but we managed to clear all three of it's stages to get a feel for it, Punch-Out I have played only a handful of times back in the early 90s... and well I'm so bad at that game Glass Joe can knock me down!

Big thanks to Foxy_Melly for re-subscribing to the channel for 22 months in a row! Foxy is also a streamer, broadcasting from the UK and was most recently featuring Destiny 2! You can check out their streamers over a

Following the stream we sent the fun over to DaWorstGamerEver25 ( who was playing American Truck Simulator! I've known him since high school and he's a really good dude! Hope you check him out when you get a chance!

Twitch Clip Links

Twitch continues to have issues porting things over to YouTube, in the mean time I am highlighting key things from each stream to be archived at a later date. Hopefully Twitch can fix their issues as soon as possible. I will try to do full downloads and uploads of things featured on stream, but that's a long ass process.

While I was doing my laundry after last night's stream, I sat down to bang out (HA!) the commissioned fic featuring the RWBY characters of Pyrrha, Jaune and Cardin. It's up now over on HF under my DiceCasden pen name.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily work out lasted 31 minutes with the following exercises: advanced Combo #2, Double Combo #2 and Left-Right Step Combo. Total estimated calorie burn was 563 kcal.  We also did an additional 11 minutes with Uppercut Combo #2 and Beginner Combo #1 as well for an added estimated calorie burn of 174 kcal. So the compete totals for today were 43 minutes with an estimate calorie burn of 738

At this exact moment I'm not completely sure what's on the agenda for tonight's stream, we could dedicate it to Final Fantasy XIV or maybe start The Walking Dead Season 2? I'll make up my mind by this evening that's for sure!

On that note we'll see you later today over on!