Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight started an hour later than expected, but was 'semi-productive', as my gripes about the assignment I was on Thursday and Friday rolled around. Did get to switch assignments that was of a much higher quality in terms of actually having a nice rhythm and flow to how things go.

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 saw a big focus on side quests, as I was doing every NCPD related thing I could find in the Watson area. If I want to get an idea of what would completion be like for doing every side activity, and to level up as quickly as possible, then it's kind of neccessary, even if it slows down story progression to a crawl. We did advance one story line a bit as it relates to the Rogue / Doctor Hellman path at the very end, mostly because I though it required more credits than it did.

We of course will be continuing Cyberpunk 2077 on Tuesday night's stream at 9:30 PM over on twitch.tv/fredcasden (assuming there is work of course)

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • Full Body Conversion: Install at least one implant in each system and body part.

For the raid we went over to twitch.tv/lilmoolah_ where Cyberpunk 2077 was also being featured

Didn't really eat much today, had a box of Mac & Cheese that covered lunch and dinner... but that's about it. Also had a small orange.

Finished the short story commission request based on modern WWE, which I'm glad to be done with. At least the next commission request on the docket is to the continue the Resident Evil series of stories, which the next entry focusing on Rebecca Chambers and Chris Redfield. I think I'll focus on their first meeting for it.

Spent a good part of the afternoon talking to Kristi, as we kicked around some stuff Power Rangers related. It may not work as something to publish, but it's great doing something creative with her again after nearly 5 years.

That's kind of all that's on my mind, so with that, have a good night folks!